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词汇 the WWF
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And the report, from the WWF, the Zoological Society of London and the Global Footprint Network, said that British people are still consuming far more than the Earth can cope with.
该由世界自然基金会、伦敦动物学会和环球足迹网络共同完成报告指出,英国人资源的消耗量远远仍然超出了地球的的供应量。 putclub

At least, says Wen Xianji of the WWF, work with foreshoremen in Guangdong and Fujian provinces to minimise bird disturbances is paying off.
世界自然基金会的温先极说,他在广东和福建两省和渔民一起,正致力于减少鸟类干扰的工作。 ecocn

Between1972 and2002, about24 percent of Papua New Guinea's rain forests were cleared or degraded by logging or subsistence agriculture, according to the WWF report.
在1972年到2002年间,由于伐木和赖以生存的农业生产,巴布亚新几内亚的热带雨林减少或退化了24%左右,根据世界野生生物基金会报告。 yeeyan

In 1980, Pan, now a zoology lecturer, volunteered for a panda research programme conducted by the WWF and the Chinese Ministry of Forestry at the Wolong Nature Reserve in the Sichuan Province.
1980年,时任动物学讲师的潘文石自告奋勇前往四川省卧龙自然保护区从事由世界野生生物基金会和中国林业部共同发起的大熊猫研究项目。 zftrans

In a statement, the WWF welcomed the IEA calls for an energy revolution and described the IEA's climate friendly scenario as“ truly ambitious compared to earlier IEA scenarios.”
在一份世界自然基金会的声明中,欢迎国际能源署提倡的能源革命,把能源署的气候友好方案描述为“比之前能源署所有方案更加雄心勃勃。” yeeyan

Since2004 the WWF have been working to save the Sumatran tigers from extinction.
从2004年开始,世界自然基金会致力于拯救苏门答腊虎,以防绝种。 newdaai

That's good news. It shows the importance of wildlife protection, but I'd like to help as the WWF suggests.
这是个好消息,它表明了野生动物保护的性,不过我想世界野生生物基金会的建议帮助你们。 xielw

That's better, but I'd like to help as the WWF suggests.
不过,我还想按照世界野生动物基金会 WWF的建议来帮助你们。 nmhrjy

There will be many exciting activities throughout the life of the Expo, and especially on June5th, because June5th at the expo will be the WWF Day, and not coincidentally World Environment Day.
在上海世博会期间将会有许多令人兴奋的展览活动,尤其是在6月5日,因为6月5日将是世博会期间的“世界自然基金日”,也是世界环境保护日。 kekenet

Tiny Tuvalu, which fears being wiped off the map from rising sea levels, tried to go carbon- neutral for the event, asking car and motorcycle owners to stay off the roads, the WWF said.
据世界自然基金会,地球海平面上升,图瓦卢作为一个小国,很担心被淹没,积极参与熄灯一小时运动,努力走碳中立路线,在“地球时间”,禁止汽车和摩托车司机上路开车。 hjenglish

The WWF says on its website that the tiger is one of the top10 species to watch in 2010, pointing out that there may be just3, 200 of the animals left globally in the wild.
世界自然基金会在其官方网站上把野生老虎列为2010年十大最需要保护的物种之一,并指出这种野生动物世界上可能只剩下3200只。 yeeyan

The WWF works to protect all animals in danger, so the panda has become the symbol of all animals in danger.

The WWF believes the50 coal schemes in total around Europe represent about 50 gigawatts of power.
世界自然基金会认为,全欧洲总计50个新的煤电计划相当于500亿瓦的电力。 yeeyan

The WWF Japan and research groups have collaborated to gather data for their field studies on biological activity in this area.
日本世界野生动物基金会,及研究团队一起合作,为这个区域的生态活动收集资料。 newdaai

The WWF report cited the likely local extinction of the Javan rhino in Vietnam as one tragic indicator of the decline of biodiversity in recent times.
世界自然基金会的报告例举了爪哇犀牛在越南可能已经绝种的判断,认为这是近年来生物多样性减少的一个悲剧性的标志。 yeeyan

The WWF report noted that Canada is one of the few countries on the scorecard whose emissions are still rising, and that Canada's Conservative government isn't doing enough to combat climate change.
世界自然基金会报告说,加拿大依然是排行榜里少数几个国家中排放量仍在增加的国家。而加拿大保守党的政府并没有采取足够的措施应对气候变化。 yeeyan

The WWF signed the recommendations and Yang Fuqiang, director of global climate solutions at the China office of WWF, said developing nations were making a“ heroic” effort to reduce carbon.
世界自然基金会 WWF签署了建议书。该基金会中国办事处的全球气候解决方案总监杨富强表示,发展中国家正做在出“英雄般”的努力来减少二氧化碳的排放。 yeeyan

The Chinese government, in cooperation with the WWF, is also implementing a plan to boost protection of the13 existing panda reserves and to create14 new ones.
中国政府还与世界野生生物保护基金会合作,正在实施一项旨在扩大现有的13个大熊猫保护区并新辟14个保护区的计划。 zftrans




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