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词汇 the Western Xia
释义 the Western Xia
Though the Northern Song had far more fields,families and armed forces thanthe Western Xia,at the beginning of the war,the Northern Song was defeated.虽然北宋的国土、户口、耕地、军队兵员、经济实力,均远远超过西夏,但宋夏战争初期北宋却在几场重要战役中惨遭失败。
Dunhuang was last considered a place of importance when it was under the control ofthe Western Xiakingdom and the Mongol Yuan dynasty .在西夏990-1227和元朝1271-1368统治的时候,敦煌被认为是最后一块重要之地。
Cheng officers and soldiers cheered, Paul Chan-large Zhennai “God archer,”the Western XiaBing were scaring the daylights out of seeing this, the heart, also had a good Jiao Jisheng arrow!守城官兵欢呼雀跃,赞禄大真乃“神箭手”,西夏兵见状则大惊失色,可心底里也不得不叫几声好箭法!
A comparison between the costume inthe Western Xiaand that among the neighboring ethnic groups shows that the costume inthe Western Xiahad already been sinicized to a great extent.通过对西夏服饰与周边各民族服饰的比较,可以发现,西夏服饰在很大程度上已汉化。
A Study on the Costume inthe Western Xia西夏服饰研究




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