释义 |
The Wa People 基本例句 佤族 If placed Yi , the Burmese people, Kachin , the Wa people, and so on.如摆夷傣族、缅族、克钦族景颇族、佤族等。 The WA people in Yunnan Province, with a history of several thousand years, have created their traditional, rich and unique festival culture, which remains as a “living fossil of human history”.佤族是我国云南省内历史悠久的少数民族之一,在数千年的历史长河中,创造了古朴、丰富、特色浓郁的节日文化,至今仍部分保留着“人类历史活化石”的特色风采。 The Wa people's taboo and its evolution佤族禁忌的起源及演变初探 Research on the culture of the Wa people's wooden drum佤族木鼓文化研究 On the relationship of primitive religion and moral ethics of the Wa people佤族原始宗教与伦理道德的关系 The primary way to excel Wa People s constitutions is to develo…提出优化佤族体质的主要途径是大力发展经济。 |