

单词 behaving
释义 be·have 英bɪ'heɪv美bɪ'heɪv COCA¹⁵⁸⁵⁵BNC⁹⁰⁴¹Economist¹¹²²⁸
vi. 行为; 举止

act, conduct oneself

vi. 工作

work or function

vt. 使守规矩

cause to behave oneself

behave in a certain manner; show a certain behavior; conduct or comport oneself;

You should act like an adult

Don't behave like a fool

What makes her do this way?

The dog acts ferocious, but he is really afraid of people

behave in a certain manner;

She carried herself well

he bore himself with dignity

They conducted themselves well during these difficult times

behave well or properly;

The children must learn to behave

behave, acquit, conduct, demean


behave常通过修饰语表达各种各样的言和行; conduct则强调举止有度,符合要求、意愿等; demean表示“与…相称,得体”,有时有“降低身份”的意思; acquit的宾语常是反身代词,多用于令人赞叹或令人满意的行为举止。

behave, act


1.act强调采取行动; 而behave强调人的行为是否符合某种行为标准,如道德或礼貌等。

2.act作“做”解时是不及物动词; 而除用作不及物动词外,还可用作及物动词,跟反身代词。

用作动词 v.
~+副词behave well行为规矩,行为检点,表现好behave abominably行为极坏behave admirably行为极佳behave badly行为不检点,表现不好,虐待behave callously冷漠地对待behave courteously举止彬彬有礼behave differently from …的性质不同于behave disgracefully举止可耻behave erratically大起大落behave harshly举止粗暴behave honourably行为正大光明behave identically作用相同behave improperly人行为不端正,机器运转不正常behave indifferently冷漠地对待behave mannerly举止文雅behave nobly举止高尚behave properly人行为端正,机器运转正常behave prudently谨小慎微behave respectfully恭敬地对待behave ridiculously行为荒唐behave shamefully举止可耻behave speciously举止似是而非behave strangely举止奇怪behave stupidly表现得愚蠢behave treacherously行为不忠behave uncouthly举止粗野behave unkindly不体贴behave unsociably行为孤僻~+介词behave according to the circumstances随机应变behave as a switch用作开关behave in a questionable manner举止可疑behave like举止像…behave like a gentleman有君子风度,绅士之举behave to对…的态度behave towards对…的态度behave with great composure举止非常沉着
用作动词v.behave yourself

规矩一点 act in a socially acceptable or polite way

近义词 do做run跑bear熊act行为work工作deal协定carry携带demean贬低perform执行comport举止conduct行为operate操作deport驱逐出境acquit宣布无罪toe the line服从do the right thing做正确的事反义词 misbehave行为无礼貌
S+~+AYou must behave.你得守规矩。
He has behaved well at school.他在学校表现良好。
The new fighters behave gallantly under fire.新战士在炮火下表现得很勇敢。
He has behaved badly to his children.他虐待孩子。
He behaves well towards his wife.他待妻子很好。
Don't behave like that!不要那个样子!
The judge said the rioters had behaved like animals.法官说那些暴徒的行为像野兽一样。
She behaved as if she were a child.她的举止像个小孩。
He behaves in a respectful way.他举止彬彬有礼。
She's been behaving rather oddly.她一直表现得颇为古怪。
How is the new enginebehaving?新发动机运行得怎样?
S+~+ n./pron.I wish they would behave themselves.我希望他们能守规矩。
He behaves himself like a man.他表现得像一男子汉。
He is now better behaved.他现在很规矩。

behave的基本意思是“举止”“表现”,指作出某种举动或说出某种话语。behave常用well、badly等方式状语修饰,如无修饰语时,则指举止得体、行为有礼,等于behave well,常用于儿童和青少年。


Do behave!和Behave yourself!是表示命令的句子,意思都是“规矩些!”,是对人的申斥语,Do behave多用于口语中。

behave和behave oneself表示“举止合度”,“守规矩”,多用于指儿童。

You must behave yourself.你必须要表现得像你自己。


He is now better behaved.他现在表达好多了。
用作动词How is your new carbehaving?你的新车性能如何?
I'll trust you tobehaveresponsibly while I'm out.我相信你在我外出期间会认真办事的。
If youbehavelike that, you'll get yourself disliked.如果你的行为那样,你会让人厌恶的。
It's hard to train children tobehavewell at the table.培养儿童用餐时举止得体是很困难的。
I do not think it's proper for you tobehaveso.我认为您这样的举止不合体统。verb.function
同义词 act,operate,perform,reactrun,take,work
反义词 halt,stopact up,misbehaveverb.act reasonably, properly
同义词 managecontrol,directact correctly,act with decorum,be civil,be good,be nice,be on best behavior,be orderly,comport oneself,conduct oneself properly,demean oneself,deport oneself,discipline oneself,keep the peace,live up to,manage oneself,observe golden rule,observe the law,play fair,shape up,toe the mark,act one's age,keep one's nose clean,mind one's manners,mind one's p's and q's,watch one's step
反义词 misbehave,act up In other words this is not the way two ASEAN countries should be behaving.
换句话说,两个东盟成员国之不应该有这种表现。 www.voanews.com.cn

And even if Google is behaving honorably now, it is creating a system full of temptations should the company ever come under financial pressure.
而且即使谷歌现在的表现受人尊敬,但要建立一个充满诱惑的系统,公司总是有可能受到财政压力。 yeeyan

And firms like Toyota and Microsoft, exploiting economies of scale, are still behaving much like the companies he celebrated.
而且,像丰田和微软那样利用规模经济的公司现在几乎仍然表现得和他所推崇的公司一样好。 ecocn

Despite their different owners, the state-controlled and the private banks seem to be behaving in a remarkably similar way.
尽管他们的所有人不同,但国营和民营银行在行为表现上却似乎非常相似。 ecocn

For now, at least, companies are behaving more like people on these social networking sites.
至少目前而言,企业在社区网络网站中表现得更像个人。 yeeyan

However, Marco Iacoboni, a neuroscientist at the University of California, Los Angeles, claims to have seen individual brain cells behaving like mirror neurons in people.
然而,洛杉矶加州大学神经学家马可·亚科博尼声称,已经在人脑中看到表现类似于镜像神经元的个体脑细胞。 yeeyan

If all the molecules are behaving independently, then you sum over all of those states.

New research suggests that alpha women might have more success in the workplace if, rather than behaving like men, they let their softer side show.
新研究指出最初女性工作表现不如男性,但她可能会获得更大的成功,她们展现了柔弱的一面。 yeeyan

Then one day we are unwillingly thrust back onto the dating scene only to find that we start behaving like12 year olds.
接着又有一天我们被迫又回到约会阶段的时候我们却发现我们的表现就像12岁的小孩子。 yeeyan

Unless it is behaving particularly strangely, it should, over the next12 months, begin to brighten.
除非太阳表现特别异常,否则,接下来的12个月,它将活跃起来。 ecocn

We need to change our way of thinking and behaving, and our use of resources.
我们需要改变我们的思维和行为方式,以及使用资源的方式。 yeeyan

You probably already give your children an allowance, and this weekly or monthly sum may be dependent on completing household chores, doing well in school or behaving properly.
你可能早已给你的孩子们零花钱了,这笔每周或每月一次的金额可能按照孩子完成的家务活、学业表现或者行为表现而定。 forbeschina




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