释义 |
the US Media 基本例句 美国媒体 It sounds unbelievable today to think that the US media would actually protect the president's honour for national interests.美国媒体为了国家利益维护总统尊严的事,在今天听来像是天方夜谭。 To many Chinese, it seems that this lobby is the only voice that is acceptable or newsworthy in the US media and to the US Government.对许多中国人,似乎这个大厅是唯一的声音,这是可以接受或新闻价值,在美国媒体和美国政府的不满。 Pictures of the US octuplets were unveiled for the first time by the clinic where they were delivered, US media reported Tuesday.美国媒体10日报道,医院首次公布了1月26日剖腹产出生的美国8胞胎的照片。 THE internet is causing an earthquake in the US media, which last year nearly doubled job cuts as more people turned to the web as their main source for news.互联网是导致地震的美国媒体其中去年增加近一倍,使更多的人以裁员为网络为主要来源的消息。 US media reports say Osama bin Laden's former driver Salim Hamdan, currently being held at the US naval base in Guantanamo Bay, is being transferred to his home country of Yemen.美国媒体报道说本拉登的前司机哈姆达,目前已经从关押他的关塔那摩湾的美国海军基地被转送到了他的家乡也门。 |