释义 |
the Tudors 基本例句 都铎 In the times ofthe Tudors, a man dressed in doublet and hose and wore a ruff.在都铎王朝时期,男人穿紧身上衣和紧身短裤,脖子上戴宽而硬的轮状皱领。 Underthe Tudorsmany English people were transplanted to Ireland.在都铎王朝时代许多英格兰人被迫移居爱尔兰。 England flourished underthe Tudors.英国在都铎王朝时代处于全盛期。 Elizabeth I was the last ofthe Tudors.伊利莎白一世是都铎王朝的最後一个君主。 Of,relating to,or characteristic of the period ofthe Tudors.都铎时代的都铎时代的、有关都铎时代的或具有都铎时代的特征 Of, relating to, or characteristic of the period ofthe Tudors.都铎时代的都铎时代的、有关都铎时代的或具有都铎时代的特征 |