

单词 the treetops
释义 the treetops短语²⁷⁶⁶⁹
IN AN isolated forest in the Sivalik hills of south-western Nepal, intense sun beats down through the treetops.
尼泊尔西南部西瓦利克山脉一片独立的森林里,烈日火辣辣地从树梢直射下来。 ecocn

The ship hits the treetops with a series of splintering crashes, and sails out over a clearing, crossed up and spinning.
伴着一系列树叶树枝的断裂声飞机擦过树梢,晕头转向地开到一片空地上。 yeeyan

A few days ago, I read in such a cartoon: a man sitting on the treetops, is cutting down he sat the branch.
前几天,我在报纸上看到这样一幅漫画:一个人坐在树梢上,正在砍他坐着的那根树枝。 tuomalin

A good time, gently hanging in the treetops, how let person some pity.
一片好好的光阴,轻轻地挂在树梢上,多少让人有些怜惜。 blog.sina.com.cn

At feeding time, sloths move slowly and carefully, hand over hand through the treetops, searching for leaves, buds, fruits, and twigs.
只有在需要进食的时候,树獭才会慢慢悠悠、小心翼翼、一步一步地爬到树梢,寻些树叶、嫩芽、果实或是细枝来吃。 bbs.imelite.com.cn

From just above the treetops, elephants can be seen bulldozing through thick brush.
从树丛顶端能正好看到大象穿过厚厚的灌木丛。 ecocn

He in the treetops, ripped off a twig, as she hung up the silent blessing, and deep thoughts.
他在树梢上,扯下一截树枝,为她挂上无言的祝福,还有深深的思念。 qzhlove

I'm dreaming of a white Christmas, just like the ones I used to know. Where the treetops glisten, and children listen to hear sleigh bells in the snow.
我梦想有一个白色的圣诞节,同我过去熟知的圣诞节一样,树梢在闪闪发亮,孩子们在倾听着雪橇的铃声。 blog.sina.com.cn

Once, in a friend’s Cessna, he skimmed the treetops south to Colombia, dropping packets of cocaine over the Mexican desert on the way back.
也许他还会坐着朋友从塞西纳租来的飞机,低空向南飞进哥伦比亚进货,在回程时把一包包海洛因扔在墨西哥的沙漠里。 ecocn

They even sleep in the treetops, so they do not have to come down to the ground.
它们甚至在树顶睡觉,所以它们不用到地面上来。 hxen

Today, whether following carnivores on the forest floor or filming eagles in the treetops, he’s learned that rain- soaked clothes, infected feet, and aggressive insects come with the territory.
如今,无论是在森林里跟踪地面上的肉食动物还是爬到树梢上拍摄老鹰,他已经对雨淋,足部感染,攻击性强的昆虫,习以为常。 yeeyan




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