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词汇 begrudge
释义 be·grudge 英bɪˈgrʌdʒ美bɪˈgrʌdʒAHDbĭ-grŭjʹ ☆☆☆☆☆高四GIST宝八COCA³⁴⁹⁴⁰BNC⁴¹²⁴⁸iWeb³⁰¹³⁰

be envious of; set one's heart onwish ill or allow unwillingly发音释义:bɪ'grʌdʒ vt.嫉妒,怨恨;吝惜,舍不得给
结构分析:begrudge = be去+grudge抱怨→抱怨别人的好运→嫉妒、怨恨;抱怨花费→吝惜
词组习语:begrudge sb sth或begrudge sb’s sth嫉妒某人拥有某物;have或bear a grudge against sb.对某人心存怨恨;grudge match了结宿怨的比赛、不友好的比赛
“grudge match”:美国电影《旗鼓相当》,史泰龙与德尼罗主演,讲述两个退役拳击手重返拳击台,为了结宿怨而进行的一场比赛。
“The Grudge”:美国版的著名恐怖片《咒怨》。
助记窍门:grudge = gru咕噜+dge唧唧→嘴里叽里咕噜、唧唧歪歪→低声抱怨→怨恨、舍不得给GRE红宝书beg乞讨, rudge = rude粗鲁的. 粗鲁的乞讨. 有这样一种人, 他虽然是乞丐, 但是在乞讨的时候昂首挺胸的, 还特粗鲁:quot;哥们, 你XX给点儿钱. quot;你肯定不会心甘情愿的给他, 但又不能不给, 因为他不像乞讨的, 有点儿象抢劫, 所以你就舍不得给.
音:割让之,割让领土什么的都很不愿意给,不情愿地给;garage 车库里的东西都不是好东西,给人或garage sale时勉强给出
be动词前缀,加强语气+grudge吝惜,不情愿提供;嫉妒,认为…不配拥有⇒吝惜,不情愿提供;嫉妒,认为…不配拥有。非常记忆be是+grudge怨恨⇒这是怨恨造成的嫉妒GRE难词记忆begrudge→be+grudge v.吝啬→吝惜词根记忆be + grudge吝啬⇒吝啬近义词 resent恨envy羡慕grudge怨恨反义词 wish希望

用作动词Nobodybegrudgesyou your success.没有人忌妒你的成功。
We should notbegrudgeour neighbour's richness.我们不应该嫉妒邻人的富有。
Ibegrudgehim his good fortune.我羡慕他的运气好.
We don'tbegrudgeyour going to Italy.我们并不羡慕你到意大利去。
Ibegrudgeevery penny I pay in tax.我交税交的每一便士心里都不痛快。verb.wish that someone did not have
同义词 envycovet,grudge,pinch,resent,stintbe jealous,be reluctant,be stingy,eat one's heart out
反义词 be generous,give
covetverb desire strongly
aspire to,choose,crave,desiderate,envy,fancy,hanker for,have eye on,have hots for,itch for,long for,lust after,spoil for,thirst for,want,wish for,yearn for,yen for
covetedverb desire strongly
aspire to,begrudged,chose,craved,desiderated,envied,fancied,had eye on,had hots for,hanker for,itched for,long for,lust after,spoil for,thirst for,wanted,wished for,yearned for,yen for
denyverb disagree, renounce, decline
abjure,abnegate,ban,begrudge,call on,contradict,contravene,controvert,curb,disacknowledge,disallow,disavow,disbelieve,discard,disclaim,discredit,disown,disprove,doubt,enjoin from,eschew,exclude,forbid,forgo,forsake,gainsay,hold back,keep back,negate,negative,not buy,nullify,oppose,rebuff,rebut,recant,refuse,refute,reject,repudiate,restrain,revoke,sacrifice,say no to,spurn,taboo,take exception to,turn down,turn thumbs down,veto,withhold
enviedverb be jealous of another
ate one's heart out,begrudged,coveted,craved,desired,died over,grudged,had hard feelings,hankered,hungered,longed,lusted,objected to,resented,thirsted,turned green,wanted,was envious,yearned
envyverb be jealous of another
be envious,begrudge,covet,crave,desire,die over,eat one's heart out,grudge,hanker,have hard feelings,hunger,long,lust,object to,resent,thirst,turn green,want,yearn
grudgeverb feel resentful;give unwillingly
be reluctant,be stingy,begrudge,complain,covet,deny,envy,hold back,mind,pinch,refuse,resent,stint The right likes to argue that income inequality as an issue doesn’t win elections because Americans don’t begrudge the rich so much as they want to join them.
就好像是大家在争论不是焦点的收入不平等问题,因为美国人民不会特别羡慕有钱人,他们认为也会加入他们的行列。 yeeyan

And British drivers, who saw their premiums slashed, probably did not begrudge sharing their gains with Mr Wood, who became fabulously wealthy.
并且那些看着自己的保险费用被大幅削减的英国司机们谁都可能不会介意与巨富伍德先生分一杯羹。 ecocn

And who could begrudge them their good fortune?
而谁又能对他们的好运有意见? ecocn

Chen's mother, Dong Lanyuan, does not begrudge her daughter her new pleasures and chuckles over her little luxuries like weekly pedicures.
陈的母亲,董兰媛女士并不羡慕女儿崭新的娱乐方式,甚至还会为她的小小奢侈品,比如周末足疗感到高兴。 yeeyan

Especially when he started gambling, start a normal life, and began to work hard, do not begrudge giving them verbal encouragement.
特别是当他开始戒赌,开始了正常生活,开始了努力工作时候,不要吝惜给予他们言语上的鼓励。 chinaw3

Even if it is mostly the result of luck, who would begrudge Africa this renaissance?
即使把发展主要归于运气,谁又会嫉妒非洲的复兴呢? ecocn

Few Chileans will begrudge that.
没有智利人会吝惜。 ecocn

Few Chileans will begrudge that. They appreciate Mr Piñera’s handling of the disaster.
几乎没有什么智利人会为此抱怨,因为他们感谢皮涅拉总统这样处理了此次灾难。 ecocn

Finally, if interested, and he did not begrudge the money, buy some cards.

Given its subsequent record, few now begrudge the cost.
鉴于其后来的成绩,现在很少有人肉疼这笔钱。 ecocn

I don’t begrudge Mr. Obama the banquets and the photo ops; they’re part of his job.
我不会对奥巴马参加宴会或者让媒体拍照有所抱怨;那是他工作的一部分。 yeeyan

In examining what kind of society would begrudge an elderly man a chance at literacy, the filmmakers situate Maruge’s tale on the slippery ground between satire and suspense thriller.
在探究什么样的社会在给予目不识丁老汉一次改变机会时会一步三回头,影片制作人故意给马鲁格的人生故事点缀了讽刺、悬疑和有点惊悚的色彩。 yeeyan

Most Americans don't begrudge great riches to anybody who works hard, takes real risks, and creates things of value.
对于努力工作、勇于承担风险并创造价值的人们,大多数美国人并不嫉妒他们创造的巨额财富。 fortunechina

Since we cannot exercise freedom in choosing to show up every morning, it is easy to begrudge the time there. Even if it produces positive experiences in our lives.
由于不能自由选择每天早上上班的时间,就很容易因此发牢骚,尽管上班能为我们的生活创造快乐的体验。 yeeyan

So far, at least, Britons, who are also generous private givers, seem not to begrudge official foreign aid.
至少到目前为止,慷慨大方的英国人似乎并未对上述援助政策表示不满。 ecocn

That is great news for lawyers. And who could begrudge them their good fortune?
这对律师来说可是个好消息,而你也只能够嫉妒他们的好运了。 ecocn

They did not begrudge the money spent on their child's education.

We don't begrudge your going to Italy.
我们并不羡慕你到意大利去。 kuenglish

Well, it’s not that I begrudge her the food.
哎,我可不是吝惜她吃东呀。 yeeyan

Who, they thought, would begrudge giving up a lifetime on the factory floor for a lifetime in a clean, antiseptic office?
在他们看来,谁会不愿舍弃从工厂厂房转投一个干净、卫生工作的机会呢? ecocn

Who would begrudge tens of millions of Chinese the opportunity to enjoy some of the same things that we do?
有谁会因为有几千万中国人可以享用我们已经在享受的东西而感到嫉妒? yeeyan

Why do you begrudge her success?

Yet, while not wanting to begrudge the polar bear his ice, we should be at least somewhat concerned at this recent shift in thinking.
然而,虽然我们并不想希望北极熊失去它的冰,我们至少应该对近期的这些意识上的转变有一点担心。 yeeyan

You’ve already come so far; you’ve paid for the plane ticket, for the train, the hotel, the pizza, the cold drinks, the coffee. How can you now begrudge a few extra cents?
目前你已经来了,机票,火车票,旅馆费,比萨饼,冷饮和咖啡的费用你都支付了,你怎么能会吝啬这区区几个小钱呢? yeeyan




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