

单词 Begley
释义 Begley ˈbeɡli COCA⁵⁵⁷⁰⁹BNC⁷⁰⁸⁷⁵
“ We are still incredibly frustrated, ” Begley said.
贝格丽表示:“我们仍然对此非常沮丧。” fortunechina

“The biggest news today is that we are here and there still are billionaires, ” Forbes spokeswoman Monie Begley joked at a press conference.
《福布斯》女发言人莫尼•贝格利在新闻发布会上开玩笑说:“今天最大的新闻是我们还在这里,我们还有亿万富翁。” koolearn

As Mr Begley notes, Dreyfus's wife, Lucie, changed her name and fled Vichy France for the free zone in the south.
正如贝格利先生所记载的,德雷福斯的妻子露西改名逃出法国的维希,去往南部的自由区。 ecocn

As Begley says, partnering up is better than being left out.
就像贝格丽提到的,合作总比被晾在一边要好。 fortunechina

However complicated the relationship, Begley says GE GE sees partnering with local companies, particularly in China, as one way to reach global opportunities.
尽管关系复杂,但贝格丽还是认为,通用电气将与当地企业,尤其是中国企业的合作,视为获得全球性机遇的一条途径。 fortunechina

Louis Begley, an American novelist and retired lawyer, and a Jewish refugee from Nazi- occupied Poland, has produced the shortest of the three books.
路易斯•贝格利是一名美国小说家,也是一名退休律师及来自纳粹占领的波兰地区的犹太难民,他的作品是三本书中最简短的一本。 ecocn

Roman Holiday was remade as a film for television in 1987 with Catherine Oxenberg, Tom Conti and Ed Begley, Jr.
《罗马假日》于1987年被翻拍成电视电影,由凯瑟琳·奥森伯格,汤姆·康迪和埃德·伯格里出演。 yeeyan

Sharon Begley is the science columnist and science editor of Newsweek.
夏伦·贝格利是《新闻周刊》的科学篇专栏作家与编辑。 yeeyan




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