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词汇 thesaurus
释义 the·sau·rus 英θɪˈsɔːrəs美θɪˈsɔrəsAHDthĭ-sôrʹəs ☆☆☆☆☆高I四八GCOCA³⁹⁰⁰⁶BNC¹⁸⁰⁷⁷iWeb²⁴²⁰³
a book containing a classified list of synonyms19世纪直接借自拉丁语,源希腊语thesauros,本义为treasure财宝或treasure house宝库。在恺撒Julius Caesar,100-44BC时代,当thesaurus 进入拉丁语时,它喻指 storehouse of knowledge 知识宝库;在文艺复兴时期,它成了几部大型希腊语拉丁语辞书名;到了近代,在不太严格的意义上,它又常被作为“词典”、“词语汇编”lexicon甚至“百科全书”的同义词使用,有时也指某一学科如音乐、医学等的词汇选编。但在今天,对大多数人来说,thesaurus 意指“类属词典”或“同类词汇编”,不念经是按类属排列的还是按字母排列的。此义是英国医师、语言学者罗热Peter Mark Roget,1779-1869首先使用的,并首次体现于他编纂的《英语词语类属词典》Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases。该词典按概念领域对词语进行分类,其编纂目的,正如他本人所说的,是“为表达思想提供便利,为文学创作提供帮助”。自1852年问世以来它几经修订和扩充,但直到今天依然经久不衰。 英语的另一个词treasure 财宝和thesaurus 有亲缘关系,它可以说间接源自 thesaurus 这个拉丁语借词,其终极词源也是希腊语thesauros ,但它转道法语 tresor,所以演变为treasure 这一形式,于12世纪进入英语。theS,-auruS,⇒n.同类词汇编¹⁶;辞典⁸⁴;知识宝库近义词 lexicon词典word list词表glossary词汇表dictionary字典vocabulary词汇compilation汇集encyclopedia百科全书

用作名词A Roget's Thesaurus will do the trick, as will any number of vocabulary building books.一本罗热辞典或者其它词汇书就可以帮你做到这一点。
The sea is the world's greatestthesaurusof minerals and food.海洋是世界上最大的矿物和食物宝库。noun.dictionary of synonyms and antonyms
同义词 reference bookglossary,lexicon,onomasticon,terminology,vocabularylanguage reference book,sourcebook,storehouse of words,treasury of words,word list
booknoun published document
Bible,album,atlas,bestseller,booklet,brochure,codex,compendium,copy,dictionary,dissertation,edition,encyclopedia,essay,fiction,folio,handbook,hardcover,leaflet,lexicon,magazine,manual,monograph,nonfiction,novel,octavo,offprint,omnibus,opus,opuscule,pamphlet,paperback,periodical,portfolio,preprint,primer,publication,quarto,reader,reprint,roll,scroll,softcover,speller,text,textbook,tome,tract,treatise,vade mecum,volume,work,writing
lexiconnoun collection of word meanings, usage
dictionary,glossary,terminology,thesaurus,vocabulary,word stock,wordbook,wordlist
listnoun record, tabulation
account,agenda,archive,arrangement,ballot,bill,brief,bulletin,calendar,canon,catalog,catalogue,census,checklist,contents,dictionary,directory,docket,draft,enumeration,file,gazette,index,inventory,invoice,lexicon,lineup,listing,loop,manifest,memorandum,menu,outline,panel,poll,program,prospectus,register,roll,roll call,row,schedule,screed,scroll,series,slate,statistics,syllabus,table,tally,thesaurus,ticket,timetable,vocabulary
listsnoun record, tabulation
accounts,agendas,archives,arrangements,ballots,bills,briefs,bulletins,calendars,canons,catalogs,catalogues,censuses,checklists,contents,dictionaries,directories,dockets,drafts,enumerations,files,gazettes,indexes,inventories,invoices,lexicons,lineups,listings,loops,manifests,memorandums,menus,outlines,panels,polls,programs,prospectuses,registers,roll calls,rolls,rows,schedules,screeds,scrolls,series,slates,statistics,syllabuses,tables,tallies,thesauruses,tickets,timetables,vocabularies
referencenoun printed matter with information
reference booknoun book of information
almanac,atlas,dictionary,directory,encyclopedia,how-to book,source book,thesaurus,wordbook,work of reference A new service can be linked into this simply by merging its own description with that in the thesaurus, since the merged documents remain legal RDF as discussed in the database section.
通过合并不同的词汇表来描叙的我们服务项目,我们可以轻松整合出新的服务,而且被合并的文件仍然是合法的 RDF。 yeeyan

A thesaurus is the most complete description for a particular topic.
词典是对某个特定主题的最完整描述。 ibm

A thesaurus-based model for organizing information contains the most structure and provides the greatest search and filter capabilities.
基于辞典的信息组织模型包含最多的结构,并提供最强的搜索和筛选功能。 ibm

The historical thesaurus, the first of its kind, also highlights when words became common parlance.
除了上面的同义词,这部《历时同义词词典》还首次着重介绍了一些单词变为通用语的时间。 iciba

An outside source, whether it be a different user or developer, a separate thesaurus, or even a random fact found on someone else's web page, can express mapping information.
外部服务来源,不管它来是自一个不同的用户还是开发者,是来自一个不同的词典还是随机在互联网上发现的某个网页,都能解释映射信息。 yeeyan

Any halfway decent thesaurus will provide a long list of synonyms for fear, and yet they are not very good substitutes.
尽管并不是最佳的替代语,任何像样的字典都会给出一长串恐惧的同义词。 yeeyan

Before you go to the effort of generating a full thesaurus as part of your information architecture, be sure you understand your intended audience's search and filter needs.
在作为信息架构的一部分着手生成完整的辞典之前,请确保了解预期受众的搜索和筛选需要。 ibm

Check a thesaurus when you need a shorter or more interesting verb, but be careful to choose a synonym that means exactly what you want to say.
当需要使用更简短或更有趣的动词时,查查词库,但要注意选词准确。 yeeyan

For the first time ever the Historical Thesaurus of the Oxford English Dictionary puts these in context.
《牛津英语历时同义词词典》首次将这类词汇整理在一起。 iciba

I am holding a thesaurus.
我手捧同义词词典胡言乱语。 yeeyan

In a typical approach, SKOS tools display the thesaurus or taxonomy to the user for browsing.
典型情况下, SKOS工具会把辞典或分类法显示给用户进行浏览。 ibm

In this case, a thesaurus will most likely provide the necessary filtering capabilities, with narrowing terms rapidly focusing on the desired answers.
在此情况下,辞典很可能提供必需的筛选功能,并带有快速集中于所需答案的收缩术语。 ibm

Ontology is neither a dictionary nor a thesaurus.
本体论既不是一本词典,也不是一本辞典。 yeeyan

Organizing information by list, synonym, facet, and thesaurus are four common ways that have proven to be effective.
按列表、同义词、方面和词典组织信息是四种已证明有效的常用方法。 ibm

Right click on a word to use the thesaurus.
通过右键单击一个单词查词典。 yeeyan

Simply highlight a word and you’ll be able to look it up in the dictionary or thesaurus, or find the item to buy through an online retailer.
选中单词,你便能在字典或词库中查寻,或是在网络零售商搜索想买的商品。 yeeyan

Table1 gives an example of a thesaurus from the United States Geological Survey.
表1提供了一个辞典示例来自美国地质勘探局。 ibm

The most extensive approach is a full thesaurus.
最广泛使用的方法是完整的辞典。 ibm

The definitions are short and to the point, with no information about sources or background though there are sample phrases, and a direct link to a thesaurus.
它的定义部分很简洁且只有重点,没有关于词源或背景的信息虽然有例子短语、词库的直接连接。 yeeyan

There is a thesaurus associated with this field.

This type of search requires integrating some sort of thesaurus into the search engine.
此类搜索需要在搜索引擎中集成某些词典。 ibm

Use a dictionary or a thesaurus as needed. Do a spell check.
如有需要,一定要使用字典或者词库。 yeeyan

When writing, aim to replace commonly used words with less used and more descriptive and interesting words; get out the thesaurus and use more challenging words.
在你写作的时候,要努力把司空见惯的词换成不常用的词和更具描写性的有趣的词。不要用同类词辞典啦,多用些有挑战性的词吧。 yeeyan

Wiktionary is now not only a dictionary but also a thesaurus and also includes etymologies, pronunciations, sample quotations, synonyms, antonyms and translations.
维基词典现在不仅是一个词典,还是一个词库,也包括语源、发音、引文、同义词、反义词和翻译。 yeeyan




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