

单词 the SAS
释义 the SAS短语¹³³⁴⁷
An instrument system for measuring intensive electric field is implemented, based on the SAS OEFS. An experiment proving the stability of the system is proposed and carried out.
基于该单屏蔽光电集成强电场传感器,组成了强电场测量系统,提出并实施了验证测量系统外围设备稳定性的实验方案。 oaps.lib.tsinghua.edu.cn

The design of the SAS randomized program adopts the same seed in multi- hierarchical factors, and the principles of succession and repeatability of the randomized code.
程序设计遵循多个分层因素采用同一种子数,随机编码的连续性和可重复性的原则。 cnki

He passed the gruelling selection procedure for the SAS at the first try and became a troop commander in22 SAS, specialising in intelligence and counter-terrorism.
他一次性通过了英国空军特别部队 SAS冗繁严酷的选拔程序,并成为了第22特别空勤团的部队指挥官,专门负责情报和反恐工作。 yeeyan

The PKI and PMI can provide functions of authentication and authority in the SAS.
这两种技术在单点访问系统中实现身份认证和访问授权控制功能。 cnki

The soldiers were each members of the Special Forces Support Group SFSG, which was formed to add extra firepower and assault capability to the SAS and the Special Boat Service SBS.
那几个士兵都是特殊部队支援小组 SFSG的成员,这是个具有补充额外军火、补充额外攻击力给特种陆兵部队 SAS)和特种水上部队( SBS的功能组织。 yeeyan




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