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词汇 beg
释义 beg. beg

vt. & vi. 乞讨,乞求

ask sb for money, food etc.

vt. & vi. 请求,恳求

ask earnestly or with deep feeling

call upon in supplication; entreat;

I beg you to stop!

make a solicitation or entreaty for something; request urgently or persistently;

Henry IV solicited the Pope for a divorce

My neighbor keeps soliciting money for different charities

ask to obtain free;

beg money and food

dodge, avoid answering, or take for granted;

beg the question

beg the point in the discussion


❌ She came to beg a favour from me.

✔️ She came to beg a favour of me.

当beg的宾语是非物质的东西时,应该说beg sth of sb,表示“向某人恳求某事”, favour是非物质的东西,所以用of。


❌ I beg differing with you entirely.

✔️ I beg to differ with you entirely.

在需要搭用非谓语动词时, beg要搭用动词不定式短语,不搭用动名词短语。

beg sth, beg for sth


He begged for money.他讨钱。这两种结构含义上有些差别,不加介词表示一个完成的动作,加介词只表示有这种目的。另外, beg your pardon是不可加介词的。beg for, beg of

beg for常接sth,表示“讨某物”; beg of接sb,表示“求某人”。

beg from sb, beg of sb

这两个短语都表示“向…乞讨”,在表示“乞讨钱〔物〕”时可通用,只是from强调“出处”; of强调“所有”。例如:

I would be ashamed to beg from my neigh- bours.我可没脸向邻居乞讨。
I would be ashamed to beg of my neigh- bours.我可没脸讨要邻居的钱。


beg, entreat, implore

这三个词都含有“请求”的意思,并都含有浓厚的感情色彩。其区别在于:beg比较常用,但主要表示“恳求”“一再要求”, entreat含有企图说服对方或用热烈的请求软化反对意见的意思, implore表示非常迫切,焦急或苦痛的“要求”,常有“乞怜”的意味。例如:

Again and again I have entreated Mrs. Prayor to say what she thinks of him, but she still evades returning a direct answer.我再三请求普瑞尔太太谈谈她对他的看法,但是她还是避开了正面回答我的问题。
I implore you to go now.我恳请你现在就走。beg, ask, demand, order, request, require


1.从语气上看, beg最弱,有“恳求”的意味,如ask后仍达不到愿望,就要进一步beg了。例如:

He begged me to excuse him.他乞求我原谅他。


Visitors are requested not to touch the exhibits.请观众不要抚摸展品。


The boy asked timidly if he might see the book.那男孩怯生生地问能否看一下这本书。
He asked curtly for a cup of water.他粗声粗气地要一杯水喝。


This plan requires secrecy.这计划要求保密。


The guard demanded his business.警卫查问他来干什么。


If you make any more noise,I shall order you out of the classroom.你如果再叫,我就命令你从教室里出去。

2.从目的上看,这组词都表示要求对方满足自己的某种愿望, ask希望对方能给予肯定的答复,而request则对能否得到肯定的答复把握不大。例如:

The meeting will take place at 8 o'clock. Your presence is requested.会议将于8时召开,敬请光临。

3.从根据上说, demand一般指客观上必要,缺此不可,多来自权威方面。例如:

The work demands care and patience.这工作需要细心和耐心。


His health requires that he go to bed earlier.他的健康状况要求他早睡。

4.从感情色彩上看, beg含有浓厚的感情色彩,表示“一再要求”。例如:

The boy begged his mother not to punish him.那孩子要求他妈妈不要惩罚他。


The father demanded knowledge of what had occurred during his absence from home.父亲要求说明他不在家时究竟发生了什么事。


This requires great attention in our work.这一点我们在工作中要特别注意。

5.从使用场合看, ask使用范围最广; order则多限于军队中或医生对病人。例如:

The officer ordered that the men should fire the guns.长官命令士兵开火。ask,beg,demand,require,request,implore,claim,pray,entreat



















用作动词 v.
~+名词beg a dime讨一角钱硬币beg a favour恳求帮助beg a meal讨一顿饭beg clothes乞讨衣服beg forgiveness恳求宽恕beg leave请求准假beg mercy恳求宽恕beg one's bread乞食beg pardon对不起,请再说一遍~+副词beg appealingly令人心动地恳求beg earnestly诚挚地请求beg humbly低声下气地乞求beg importunately急切地恳求beg impudently厚颜无耻地乞求beg kindly善意恳求beg piteously可怜地乞讨beg politely彬彬有礼地恳求beg professionally以乞讨为生beg repeatedly再三请求beg shamelessly无耻地乞求beg solicitously善意恳求beg urgently急切地恳求beg off使获得赦免,使得到原谅,请假beg off for an hour请一小时假beg off from doing sth对不能做某事请求原谅beg off from taking part in a discussion要求不参加讨论beg sb off为某人说情,辞退某人~+介词beg for乞讨,乞求,恳求beg for a living靠乞讨维持生活beg for a peace求和beg for alms乞求施舍beg for food请求施予食物beg for mercy乞求宽恕beg for money请求施予钱财beg for peace乞求和平beg for quarter请求饶命beg for shelter请求避难beg for the moon痴心妄想beg for water讨水beg from向某人乞求,乞讨beg from one's neighbours向邻居乞讨beg from passers-by向过路人乞讨beg of请求,恳求
用作动词v.beg, steal or borrow

无论如何弄到 obtain by any means

beg, steal or borrow sthI needed a special spanner and I couldn't beg, steal or borrow one anywhere.我需要一把特殊的扳手,但我无论如何也找不到。
This book is so well worth reading that it should be begged, stolen or borrowed rather than missed.这本书真是值得一读,无论怎样去弄一本也不能不读。
beg for v.+prep.

恳求,乞求 make an urgent request for (action)

beg for sthIn those years they were forced to beg for a living.那些年他们被迫出去讨饭。
I had to beg for my food at the age of seven.7岁那年我不得不去讨饭。He went to his neighbour to beg for some milk to feed the motherless baby.他找街坊邻居讨了一些牛奶来喂养那个没娘的孩子。
The old woman went from house to house, begging for bread.那位老太太挨家挨户地讨饭。beg sb for sthHe begged us for money.他向我们讨钱。
The tramp begged me for money.那个流浪汉向我讨钱。
The poor girl begged the passers-by for money.这位可怜的女孩向过路人讨钱。
May I beg you for a subscription?能请您捐点钱吗?
They went from house to house, begging the people for bread.他们挨家挨户地向人们讨饭。beg for sthAfter the song ended, all clapped and begged for another.歌声停下来后,全体鼓掌,并请求再来一个。
He will never beg for his life.他绝不会乞求饶命的。
He went to his relatives to beg for help.他去向亲戚求援。
The wounded soldier begged for mercy.那伤兵乞求怜悯。
All the bandits knelt down and begged for mercy.匪徒们都纷纷跪下求饶。
They begged for mercy for the sake of saving their own skin.他们恳求饶命。
Her eyes are begging for an answer.她的眼睛在恳求回答。beg sb for sthThe wounded soldier begged his enemy for mercy.那伤兵向敌人讨饶。
He begged us for alms.他向我们恳求施舍。
The prisoner begged the judge for mercy.犯人恳求法官宽恕。
beg from v. + prep.

向…乞求,乞讨 ask humbly (for a gift from sb)

beg from sbThe beggar begged from the rich but they refused.那叫花子向富人们乞讨,但遭到了拒绝。beg sth from sbMay I beg a cigarette from you?给我一根香烟好吗?
James lived on without begging alms from others.詹姆斯没有向别人乞求周济照样过活。
He begged a few pence from us.他向我们讨几个便士。
From whom did you beg this money?你跟谁讨的这些钱?
beg of v. + prep.

〈正〉恳求,请求 ask (sb politely)

beg of sb to-vI beg of you to keep quiet.我请求你们安静一点。
I beg of you not to run any risk.我请求你不要冒险。
I begged of him to stay.我求他呆下去。
I beg of you to keep still.我恳求你别动。
I beg of you not to mention her name again .我请求你别再提她的名字。
I beg of you not to reveal the secret.我请求你不要揭露那个秘密。
He begged of me to help him.他请求我帮助他。
May I beg of you to offer some constructive suggestions about my thesis?能请您就我的论文提一些有建设性的意见吗?
I beg of you to kindly reconsider my request.我恳求你费心重新考虑一下我的请求。beg sth of sbMay I beg some time of you?我能占用你一点时间吗?
He came to beg money of me.他来向我讨钱。
He urgently begged a favour of me.他急切地恳求我帮他一个忙。
Down, therefore, and beg mercy of the Duke.快快跪下来,请公爵开恩吧。
beg off v.+adv.

恳求免除责任、责罚等( cause to be excused responsibility, punishment, etc.)

beg offMother told Tom to sweep away the dead leaves in the yard, but he tried to beg off.妈妈要汤姆打扫庭院里的落叶,可他却极力请求别叫他干这件事。
Jane has just begged off, can you take her place in the team?简刚才请求退场,你能在这个队里替她吗?
He promised to come and help but later begged off.他答应来帮忙的,但后来请求原谅他不能来。
Half past four is an awkward time for me to attend a meeting, as I don't finish work until five, but I will try and beg off for half an hour.要我四点半去开会很尴尬,因为我要五点才下班,但我打算想办法请半小时假。beg sb/sth ⇔ offHis mistake would have got him severely punished if they had not begged him off.要是他们不替他说情,他犯了那样的错误要受到严厉处罚的。
Considering his ill health, they begged him off.他们考虑到他身体不好,请他别干了。
Harry was running a fever, so we went to the office to beg him off from sentry duty that evening.哈利在发烧,所以我们去办公室要求免去他当天晚上值班任务。
I'll have to beg Jane off, she's sick again.我得替简请假,她又病了。
He begged a week off.他请求给一周的假。go begging

可以买得到 be able to buy

I beg your pardon


e形似“嘴巴张开”,恳求beg别人;u好像一张饼,可惜被虫子bug咬掉一块;非常记忆be是〖熟词〗+g哥〖编码〗⇒正在乞求原谅的是哥哥近义词 askentreatimplorerequestsolicitpetitionappeal for
S+~+AHis old mother was forced to beg.他的老母亲被迫乞讨。
John was too lazy to work and too proud to beg.约翰懒惰成性,不愿工作,又心高气傲,不肯乞讨。
He begged along the street.他沿街乞讨。
Braving the biting wind, she went out to beg from door to door.她不顾寒风刺骨,出去挨门乞讨。
Rather than get money in such a dishonest way, he would beg in the street.他宁愿在街上乞讨,也不肯用这种不正当手段捞钱。
The old man was so poor that he had to beg in the street.那位老人迫于贫困,只好沿街乞讨。
He begged and begged until I said yes.他一再恳求,直到我同意。
S+~+ n./pron.Be quiet,I beg you.请你安静一点。
I begged his assistance.我请求他帮助。
She begged her mother's forgiveness.她乞求母亲的宽恕。
They begged a lift in our car.他们请求搭我们的车。
He begged a meal.他乞讨一顿饭。
He begged his bread professionally.他以讨饭为生。
He was so poor that he had to beg his bread.他非常穷,不得不乞食。
A man of many trades begs his bread on Sundays.行行都干,难免要饭。
He begged money in the streets.他沿街讨钱。S+~+to- vHe begged to be excused.他请求原谅。
He begged to be allowed to go home.他恳求让他回家。
I beg to be excused from the party.我请求同意我不参加宴会。
The child begged to go with mother.那孩子恳求和他妈妈一起去。
I beg to differ.对不起,本人有不同意见。
I beg to suggest a different plan.本人仅提出另一项不同计划。
I beg to inform you that your father is seriously ill.请允许我通告您,您父亲病重。
I beg to inform you that I have arrived at school safe and sound.我已平安抵校,谨此奉告。S+~+that-clauseI begged that he would stay.我恳求他不要走。
The children begged that they might come with us.孩子们恳求与我们同来。
He begged that I might help him.他请求我帮助他。
He begs that he may not be interrupted.他要求别人不要打断他。
I beg that they may not trouble us so much.我恳求他们不要找我们那么多麻烦。
I beg that you will honor me with your further orders.我请求你继续向我订货。
I beg that neither of you will say anything more.我求求你们两人谁也别再说什么了。
I beg that he leave.我恳求他离开。
I begged that he assist me.我请求他帮助我。
I beg that he lend me a hand in carrying out this mission.我请求他助我一臂之力,以完成这一任务。引出直接引语The boy begged,“I want to go to school, father!”这孩子哀求道:“爸爸,我要去上学!”
He held on to one of the men and begged:“Take me along, too.”他缠着一位战士恳求说:“把我也带去。”
S+~+ n./pron. +to- vI begged them to speak a word for him.我恳求他们为他说句话。
They begged us not to punish him.他们恳求我们不要处罚他。
She begged me not to do that again.她恳求我不要再做那种事了。
She begged him to listen to her.她请求他听她的诉说。
I beg you to kindly reconsider my request.我恳求你费心重新考虑一下我的请求。
I beg you to do me a favour.我求你帮个忙。
I begged him to stay longer.我恳求他多留一会儿。
Every day he begs me to take several books home with me.他每天都请求我捎几本书回家。
They begged him to rest, but he insisted on staying up to nurse the child.他们恳求他休息,但他坚持不睡来护理小孩。
Mary begged her mother not to work too hard.玛丽求她母亲不要干得太劳累。
The mother begged the boys not to make so much noise.母亲请求孩子们不要那么吵闹。
She begged Donald to help her find Henchard.她请求唐纳德帮她找到亨查德。
The economists repeatedly begged the government to introduce market economy mechanism into that country.经济学家们再三请求政府把市场经济机制引入该国。
I beg leave to disagree.请允许我表示异议。
I beg leave to address the Council.我请求允许向议会发表演说。
I agree to your objective, but I beg leave to ask how you are going to accomplish it.你的目的我是赞同的,不过,请问你打算怎样达到你的目的呢?其他v -ing as Adverb.Every day they went to the road nearby and stood therebegging.他们每天到附近的大路上去,站在那里要饭。Pbeggaryn.赤贫行乞Pbeggarlya.象乞丐的赤贫的Pbeggarlinessn.贫穷赤贫卑贱Pbeggarn.乞丐vt.使贫穷使成乞丐Pbeggardomn.乞丐王国乞丐们赤贫




beg后不可用于“beg+sb+sth”句型。表物宾语可用介词for引出; 表人宾语则可用介词of引出。



beg和beg for意为“请求”时,比ask和ask for语气要重。用boon,favour,leave,pardon,forgiveness和permission等词和施舍物时,多与beg搭配;

可以存在She begged him to…,She begged of him to…或She begged that…等表达方式;

beg leave to state,beg leave to acknowledge,beg leave to inform等词都是较为礼貌的用法,一般作为商业信函中的客套语,在普通信函中尽量少用;

beg指“向某人乞求”,在被请求的人前面用of或from。I begged a favour of/from my friend.

用作动词Shebegsthem not to punish her son severely.她恳求他们不要给他儿子太重的处罚。
The boys hailed passing cars tobega ride.这些男孩向过往的汽车呼叫恳求乘车。
He knew he had hurt her andbeggedher to forgive him.他自知伤了她的心而央求她原谅。
He lives bybegging.他以行乞为生。
He was too lazy to work and too proud tobeg.他懒于工作,又不屑乞讨。verb.request
同义词 ask,beseech,implore,plead,pray,solicit,sue,urgeabjure,advocate,besiege,canvass,conjure,crave,desire,entreat,importune,invoke,nag,petition,press,requisition,supplicate,woo,worryapply to,call to,impetrate,obsecrate,obtest
反义词 answer, charity
同义词 bite,call on,hustle,scroungebenefit,brace,bum,burn,buzz,cadge,chisel,freeload,knock,mooch,nick,panhandle,score,sponge,tap,touch,wantask alms,call upon,clamor for,dime up,hit up,live hand to mouth,mendicate,nickel up,pass the hat,put the bite on,put the touch on,solicit charity,sponge on
反义词 give
appealverb request
address,adjure,advance,apply,ask,beseech,bid,call,call upon,claim,contest,crave,demand,entreat,hit on,implore,importune,petition,plead,pray,propose,proposition,question,refer,require,resort to,solicit,strike,submit,sue,supplicate,urge
appealsverb request
addresses,adjures,advances,applies,asks,begs,beseeches,bids,calls,calls upon,claims,contests,craves,demands,entreats,hits on,implores,importunes,petitions,pleads,prays,proposes,propositions,questions,refers,requires,resorts to,solicits,strikes,submits,sues,supplicates,urges
askverb request
angle,appeal,apply,beg,beseech,bite,bum,call for,charge,claim,command,contend for,crave,demand,entreat,file for,hit,hustle,implore,impose,knock,levy,mooch,order,petition,plead,pray,promote,request,requisition,seek,solicit,sue,supplicate,touch,urge
borrowverb take for temporary use
accept loan of,acquire,beg,bite,bum,cadge,chisel,give a note for,hire,hit up,lift,mooch,negotiate,obtain,pawn,pledge,raise money,rent,run into debt,scrounge,see one's uncle,soak,sponge,take on loan,tap,touch,use temporarily
conjureverb appeal to, implore
conjuredverb appeal to, implore
adjured,asked,begged,besought,braced,craved,entreated,importuned,prayed,supplicated,urged The tendency to go back and beg your erstwhile partner to take you back will be overwhelming, but remember that it’s just not worth it if you do so.
也许你企图让时光倒流和乞求昔日的爱人让你们回归过去的愿望会无比强烈,但请记住它们并不值得你去这样做。 yeeyan

“ I know better than Franciscans what it’s like to beg, because nothing has happened without my begging the Franciscans,” said Ms. Bond, who is53.
今年53岁的邦德女士说:“我比方济各教士更清楚什么是乞讨,因为,如果我没有向他们乞讨,一切皆不会发生。” yeeyan

A man can scarce allege his own merits with modesty, much less extol them; a man cannot sometimes brook to supplicate or beg; and a number of the like.
一个人不能自承有功而免矜夸之嫌,更不用说是不能表扬自己底功绩了;他有时也不能低首下心地去有所恳求;诸如此类的事很多。 kekenet

And before you go to beg their pardon, change those trousers for a dress.
在你去请求他们原谅之前,换掉你的裤子,穿上裙子。 cri

During the Depression, many people had to beg for a living.

Every year when I’d go home for Christmas, my mother would beg me to go visit Mr. Kirby.
每年,当我回家过圣诞节的时候,我的母亲总是恳求我去看看科比先生。 yeeyan

For the second time in a year, Mr Papandreou is having to beg European leaders for billions of euros in emergency loans.
因为这是一年当中第二次,帕潘德里欧先生不得不向欧洲领导人祈求数十亿欧元的紧急贷款。 ecocn

He was forced to beg for food for his children.
为此,他不得不乞讨以便给自己孩子要来吃的。 yeeyan

I rush to the front of the line. People glare at me for cutting in. I beg to buy one of the pretend Monarchs.
于是我顶着排队人们的怒目而视,冲到队伍的最前面,请求买那个仿真的黑脉金斑蝶。 yeeyan

I beg of you, stop this drinking.

I beg you to give power to the LDP, so we can complete the recovery.
我恳求你们让自由民主党执政,因此我们能够完成国家复苏。 yeeyan

I beg you overlook my rudeness.

If, however, you want to give them something, give no more than alms, and let them beg for that!
然而,如果你想要给他们什么东西,别给他们超过给乞丐的施舍,并且,让他们乞求才能得到! yeeyan

It doesn't help to get mad at a friend who cuts, reject that person, lecture her, or beg him to stop.
对你的一个自伤的朋友发疯,抛弃那个人,报告她,或者请求他停止自伤,都无济于事。 yeeyan

It is still possible that the party whips will beg, bully or bribe enough legislators to reach a final bill by Christmas.
民主党党鞭很可能将以请求,恐吓,或是贿赂的形式拉拢足够多的立委在圣诞节前达成一个法案决议。 ecocn

No need to beg others for survival.
你不需要向别人乞讨才能生存。 cnblogs

Put me down, I beg you.
把我放下来,我求你了。 hjenglish

Some Palestinians, however, worry that if talks start, Mr Netanyahu will beg an easing of any freeze in place to deflect his right- wing critics.
而一些巴勒斯坦人,担心如果开始谈判,内塔亚胡将请求解除冷冻,而攻击巴方的右派评论家。 yeeyan

The beggars didn’t beg empty-handed, as in Istanbul; instead, they’d stand under your window playing the accordion.
乞丐们不像在伊斯坦布尔那样空手乞讨;而是站在你的窗户下拉手风琴。 yeeyan

Those words bring nothing but pain and yet we beg for it.
这些话除了伤痛什么也不能带来而我们却乞求它。 yeeyan

We'll have to beg the Europeans and Russians to piggy- back off their rockets.
我们将不得不乞求欧洲或俄国人,用他们的火箭背我们上天。 yeeyan

Why did he beg Benito Mussolini not to attack Greece?
他为什么乞求贝尼托·墨索里尼不要去攻击希腊? yeeyan




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