

单词 befuddled
释义 be·fud·dled 英bɪ'fʌdld美bɪ'fʌdld 高COCA³⁸⁸⁵⁹BNC⁶¹⁵⁶⁹iWeb³⁵⁵⁶⁹Economist²⁴¹⁰⁶⁺
stupefied by alcoholic drink;

the wino's poor befuddled mind

a mind befogged with drink

perplexed by many conflicting situations or statements; filled with bewilderment;

obviously bemused by his questions

bewildered and confused

a cloudy and confounded philosopher

just a mixed-up kid

she felt lost on the first day of school

confused and vague; used especially of thinking;

muddleheaded ideas

your addled little brain

woolly thinking

woolly-headed ideas

前缀be-, 强调。fuddle, 喝醉,晕。befuddle使昏迷
近义词 lost迷路的mazed困惑的wooly羊毛的at sea在海上baffled阻碍的muddled混乱的puzzled困惑的bemused困惑的confused困惑的woolly毛茸茸的perplexed困惑的muzzy模糊不清的bewildered困惑的addled头脑混乱的befogged被困惑的wooly-minded混乱的nonplussed不知所措的confounded惊慌失措的mixed-up头脑不清楚的…woolly-headed头脑不清的distracted注意力不集中的…stumped动词stump的过去式,…flummoxed动词flummox的过去…

用作形容词When you finally open your eyes and pull away, his adorablybefuddledexpression amuses you.当你们最后推开对方,四目相对时,他可爱的迷惑的表情使你不禁笑出了声。adj.confused
同义词 baffled,bewildereddumbfounded,stumped,stupefiedmixed up,slaphappy
反义词 clear,clearheaded,sober,straightadj.drunk
同义词 intoxicatedbashed,inebriated,plastered,plowed,sloshed,soused,steweddrunken,juiced,liquored up
反义词 clear,clearheaded,sober,straight
addledadjective confused
balled up,bewildered,fouled-up,gone,mixed up,out of it,punchy,rattled,shaken,shook,shook-up,slap-happy,thrown,unglued,woolly,woozy
aseaadjective uncertain
bemusedadjective confused
bewilderedadjective confused
addled,agape,aghast,agog,appalled,astonished,astounded,awe-struck,awed,baffled,befuddled,bowled over,dazed,dazzled,disconcerted,dizzy,dumbfounded,dumbstruck,flabbergasted,flipped-out,floored,flustered,giddy,in a dither,lost,misled,muddled,mystified,perplexed,punchy,puzzled,rattled,reeling,shocked,shook-up,speechless,staggered,startled,stumped,stunned,stupefied,surprised,taken aback,thrown,thunderstruck,uncertain,unglued
confoundedadjective confused
confusedadjective disoriented mentally
abashed,addled,at a loss,at sea,at sixes and sevens,baffled,befuddled,bewildered,come apart,dazed,discombobulated,disconcerted,disorganized,distracted,flummoxed,flustered,fouled-up,glassy-eyed,gone,misled,mixed up,muddled,nonplussed,not with it,out to lunch,perplexed,perturbed,punch-drunk,punchy,puzzled,screwy,shook-up,shot to pieces,slaphappy,spaced out,stumped,taken aback,thrown,thrown off balance,unglued,unscrewed,unzipped,woolly The abstract ideas and complex concepts I read both fascinated and befuddled me.

Alan Greenspan, uncharacteristically befuddled, went up to Capitol Hill on Thursday and lamented that some sort of fissure had erupted in his previously impregnable worldview.
永远精明的格林斯潘这一次也觉得迷惑,他周四在国会大厦抱怨说,他那些之前看来坚不可摧的世界观也出现了一些裂痕。 yeeyan

Companies have worked out ways around many of the problems that befuddled previous speech- recognition technologies.
之前令语音识别技术困惑的许多问题已经被各个公司解决。 ecocn

Face to face with child soldiers in battle, Western military forces are often befuddled as to what to do.
在战场上与娃娃兵面对面,西方部队通常会犹豫该如何去做。 yeeyan

He argues that melding the two at Eni has saddled the oil division with heavy debts more befitting a utility and befuddled investors.
他认为在埃尼内部合并两个部门会给石油部门带来更多的债务,这是非常使用的以及能迷惑投资者。 ecocn

He says a large number of his befuddled male readers tell him about their disappointment when they find out their girlfriends have had sexual experiences before them.
他说,有很多糊涂的男性读者对他说,当他们发现自己的女友,和他们在一起之前曾有过性经历时,感到很失望。 yeeyan

I feel unsure of myself, tired and befuddled by the eight- hour time difference and more than20 hours of travelling. I have never been anywhere so foreign.
我感到不适,为八小时时差和超过二十小时的旅行而感到怠倦,我从来没有来到这么遥远的异国他乡。 yeeyan

I looked up into his deep gold eyes, became befuddled, and, as usual, blurted out the truth.
我抬起头,看进他深邃的金色双眸里,立刻被迷住了。然后,像往常一样,实话脱口而出。 putclub

Of these befuddled masses, between 1% and 2% never reach the finish line.
在这些令人困惑的人们中,大约1%至2%的参与者从来没有到达终点。 yeeyan

Page looks up from his computer screen, a befuddled expression on his face.
佩奇从他的电脑屏幕前抬起了头,脸上一副迷惑的表情。 yeeyan

The authors worked out the best way to play the game so they could judge just how befuddled consumers were by each kind of price frame.
作者设计出了游戏进行的最佳方式以判断消费者会被哪一种设计价格所迷惑。 ecocn

The new arrival was befuddled by the rapid-fire conversation.

There is never a shortage of entrants sent in by people baffled by bureaucratic language and befuddled legalese.
该组织经常收到人们“举报”的一些令人费解的“官话”和法律用语。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

Befuddled politicians are too often seduced by that beguiling syllogism; in the matter of immigration, Britain's coalition government has been.
迷糊的政客们经常被欺人的诡辩所勾引。在移民地问题上,英国联合政府同样是这样。 ecocn

Befuddled politicians are too often seduced by that beguiling syllogism; in the matter of immigration, Britain’s coalition government has been.
昏庸的政客总是受到演绎推理的蛊惑,在移民问题上,英国政府就是一例。 ecocn




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