

单词 before time
释义 before time短语⁴⁹¹⁰¹
ahead of time
Clock out10 minutes in advance before time will be considered as clocking out early, leave the workplace for15 minutes in advance before time will not get paid for the half day.
工作时间终了前10分钟内下班者为早退。提前15分钟以上下班者以旷工半日论处。 blog.sina.com.cn

Not before time some European countries are having second thoughts.
一些欧洲国家在重新考虑这个问题。 ecocn

We were able to start using DITA content with our existing books long before time permitted a full-scale migration.
在能够实现大规模迁移的很长时间中可以在已有图书中使用 DITA内容。 ibm

A similar reform is reckoned to have made at least some difference in Britain, and not before time.
类似的变革已使英国至少改变了一些现状,而且并非史无前例。 ecocn

After13 years in power, Labour has gone, and not before time.
执政十三年后,工党已然离去,本该早点离去。 ecocn

Not before time, the government is taking steps to get credit flowing againsee article.
很快,政府将采取措施以使信贷重新流动起来。 ecocn

RUSSIA’S president, Dmitry Medvedev, has taken to giving televised fireside chats about the financial crisis. Not before time.
俄罗斯总统德米特里•梅德韦杰夫也开始采用电视直播的炉边谈话方式谈金融危机啦注1。 ecocn

The UN has recently, and not before time, decided that population control should be one of its much- vaunted Millennium Development Goals.
最近联合国决定将控制人口做为其千年发展目标中至关重要的内容之一。 ecocn

We've talked a lot about how for Daniel, remember there is a dualism of before time and the after time.




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