

单词 thermometer
释义 ther·mom·e·ter 英θəˈmɒmɪtə美θɚˈmɑmɪtɚAHDthər-mŏmʹĭ-tər ★☆☆☆☆高四六研IST4八COCA¹³⁸⁷⁴BNC²¹⁹⁴⁷iWeb⁹³⁴²Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹


an instrument for measuring temperature

measuring instrument for measuring temperature词根词缀: -thermo-热 + -meter-测量;仪表
用作名词 n.
动词+~read a thermometer看温度计读数形容词+~oral thermometer口用体温计介词+~with a thermometer用体温计
非常记忆thermo热〖词缀〗+meter计量仪〖熟词〗⇒温度计是可以测出热度的计量仪therm温度+o连接字母+meter=metr-,测量→测量温度的仪器⇒温度计。词根记忆thermo热+meter测量→测量冷热→温度计词根记忆therm+o+meter测量thermo热+meter⇒温度计用作名词n.The thermometer dropped below 10℃.温度计读数下降到摄氏十度以下。
She put the thermometer in his mouth.她把体温表放入他口中。Pdiathermometer导热计导热计Phyperthermometer超高温度计Pcatathermometer干湿球温度计Pkatathermometern.冷却温度表Ptelethermometern.远测温度计Pultra-thermometer超级温度计Pophthalmothermometer眼温度计Presistance-thermometer电阻计温术

用作名词Thethermometerreads 27 degrees.温度计的读数是27度。
Thethermometerfell to zero lastnight.昨夜温度计显示气温下降到零度。
The readings on mythermometerlast month were well above the average.我的温度计上个月的读数远远超过平均温度。noun.measure of temperature
同义词 instrument,thermostatindicator,regulator And that property could be the volume, like if you have a mercury thermometer, the volume of the mercury.

That'll be inside our calorimeter. It's insulated, and there's still a thermometer, so we can measure the temperature.

The mercury seems painted to the bottom of the thermometer.
温度计里的水银柱降到了底端。 ebigear

The thermometer marked70℉.

They may have gaps, or readings taken at different times of day, or with different kinds of thermometer.
当然了其中可能存在缺陷,或在一天中的不同时刻度数,或用不同的温度计测量。 ecocn

A thermometer in the office detected when it was getting too cold and sent a signal to the network requesting that calculations be diverted to the servers in the office.
在这间办公室内安有温度计,当房间的温度降低到一定数值时就发出信号,要求启动这间办公室内的服务器进行运算。 ecocn

All right, so now we have the makings of a good thermometer and a good temperature scale.

Along with sensitive seismographic equipment, GEMS will drill down about20 ft. 6 m with a thermometer- equipped probe, trying to figure out how quickly the temperature rises with depth.
除了备有灵敏的地震仪,地球物理监测站还将会使用一个装有温度计的探测器钻入地下20英尺6米以尝试着计算出温度随深度增加而升高的速度。 yeeyan

Besides, what people should pay attention to is that used battery, the light tube of daylight lamp, mercury thermometer, paint pot and medicine are all toxic wastes, which need special disposal.
另外,需要注意的是,废电池、日光灯管、水银温度计、油漆筒、药品等都是有毒垃圾,需要特别的处理。 yeeyan

It sounds pretty silly, but it's really important because it allows you to define a thermometer and temperature.

One even looked forward to the invention of a hedonimeter, a“psychophysical machine” that would record the ups and downs of a man's feelings just as a thermometer might plot his temperature.
有人甚至期盼着发明一种快乐量度,一种“心理物理机器”能够记录人的感情的起伏,就象温度计能够显示温度一样。 ecocn

Or use a food thermometer to take its temp regularly.
或用食物温度计来测取食物常温。 yeeyan

Put this thermometer under you tongue.
把体温计放在您的舌头下面。 kekenet

Put a food thermometer in a glass of water on the middle shelf, where the air temperature is most accurate. Leave it there overnight and take a reading in the morning.
将食物温度计放在一杯水中,摆在一架子的中层——温度最准确处,过夜后,于第二天早上读取度数。 yeeyan

So, the active part of the thermometer could be water. It could be alcohol, mercury, it could be a piece of metal.

So, zeroth law, then, allows you to define the concept of temperature and the measurement of temperature through a thermometer.

So he grabbed his thermometer, and went and made a couple of measurements and discovered the first law of thermodynamics.

Some of the data is missing, because of various failures in the thermometer, the transmission channel, or the recording computer.
由于温度计、传输通路或者进行记录的计算机的各种失误,有一些数据会丢失。 ibm

Stay extra safe: If the burger's not hot enough and you have to cook it longer, be sure to wash the thermometer before you test the meat again to avoid cross contamination.
更安全的做法:如果肉类还不够热,你应该再煮一段时间。记得在重新测量之前把温度计清洗干净,避免交叉感染。 yeeyan

The veteran in velvet found that the diameter of the thermometer was one metre.
穿天鹅绒的老兵发现温度计的直径为一米。 hjenglish

There's a Galilean thermometer on his desk and Einstein memorabilia in every corner.
在每一个角落有关于他的办公桌和爱因斯坦纪念品伽利略温度计。 ecocn

This thermometer is calibrated by centigrade.

Use a meat thermometer and this chart of safe meat temperatures to guide you.
我们可以使用肉类温度计,安全肉类温度图表可以作为你烹调肉类的指南。 yeeyan

Use a food thermometer to be sure the food has reached a safe internal temperature.
用一个食物温度计来确定食物是否达到一个安全的内部温度。 yeeyan

When the price of an asset falls as a result of speculative activity, the speculators are blamed. That’s like blaming a thermometer for a fall in temperature.
当投机行为导致资产价格下跌,人们会归咎于投机者,这其实好比把降温归咎于温度计。 yeeyan

Which brings us back, most likely, to odd rounding behavior within the thermometer instrument.
很可能这让我们想到温度计仪器内部的不正常的舍入行为。 ibm




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