

单词 thermal equilibrium
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a state in which all parts of a system are at the same temperatureCollisional processes suggestthermal equilibrium.碰撞过程意味着热平衡。
Inthermal equilibrium, on the other hand, a system is far from static.而在热平衡情况下,系统远非处于静止状态。 A thermal equilibrium equation is established by analyzing the production of temperature and the transmission of heat in the foil rolling.
通过分析箔材轧制过程中温度的产生和热量的交换情况,建立热平衡方程; ilib

It is assumed that gas phase and solid phase exist in a state of local thermal equilibrium and the influence of radiation heat exchange has also been taken into account.
假定气相与固相处于局部热平衡状态,考虑了辐射换热的影响。 chemyq

Some discussions about how to determine the thermal equilibrium temperature of different kinds of molecular clouds are also given.
并且讨论了如何确定不同类型分子云的热平衡温度。 cnki

The blast furnace thermal equilibrium test is effective method appraising blast furnace heat energy utilization and analysis hot worker's specific property of blast furnace;
高炉热平衡测试是评价高炉热能利用、分析高炉热工特性的有效方法; cnki

The infrared emission of the complex is mainly caused by thermal equilibrium emission of standard dust grains.
红外发射主要起源于标准尘埃粒子的热平衡发射。 cnki

The judgment rules of the thermal equilibrium and the backfire are presented.
对模拟退火算法进行了改进,给出了“热平衡”和“回火”的相应判定准则。 cnki

The thermal equilibrium state in solid state materials is one essential mixed entangled state.
而固体材料中的热平衡态就是一种重要的混合纠缠态。 cnki

According to the law of kirchhoff, the emissivity equals to the absorption rate when the material is at the condition of thermal equilibrium.
根据基尔霍夫定律,在热平衡状态下,材料的发射率等于它的吸收率。 cnki

Allowing test equipment to warm up and reach thermal equilibrium in a constant ambient temperature also minimizes thermoelectric EMF effects.
对测试设备进行预热并使其在恒定的环境温度下达到热平衡也能使热电动势效应达到最小。 eefocus

As an example, squeezing in initial state with bare atomic system in the thermal equilibrium distribution is studied in detail.
作为例子,详细研究了初始为热平衡分布的裸原子系统的压缩行为。 opticsjournal

Collisional processes suggest thermal equilibrium.
碰撞过程意味着热平衡。 dictall

First the existence of the thermal equilibrium solutions and the semiclassical limit results are obtained through the energy estimating method.
首先运用能量估计方法得到了热平衡态解的存在性与半经典极限结果。 dictall

Moreover, some conclusions were drawn as follows: the desirable gas-solid water equivalent ratio may be determined by the equations of gas-solid heat exchange and thermal equilibrium;
从炉内焙烧风-球团间的气固传热方程和热平衡方程确定竖炉在某产量下的气固水当量比; cnki

So if I get rid of these arrows, there's no heat flowing because they're in thermal equilibrium, then I can't have an arrow here.
所以如果我擦去这些箭头,没有热流存在,因为它们处于热平衡,那么这里也不能存在一个箭头。 v.163.com

Starting with thermal equilibrium, a calculating formula of the cross orientation preheating section for bi- oriented PETfilm was obtained by means of strict calculation.
本文从热平衡入手,通过严格的数学推导,获得双轴拉伸 PET薄膜横拉预热段的长度计算公式。 cnki

Studies the problem of thermal equilibrium in exothermic reaction systems and puts forward the concepts of equilibrium region and degree of equilibrium in such systems.
讨论了化学放热系统热平衡问题,提出了系统平衡域和平衡度的新概念。 chemyq

Systems at thermal equilibrium, molecules are getting knocked around with whatever thermal energy is available.
对于处于热平衡的体系,分子被四处撞击,具有可以具有的任何热能。 open.163.com

Taking the enclosed balcony as a whole, the thermal equilibrium equation is found. And the thermal equilibrium is calculated according to the meteorological data of typical year in Tianjin.
将封闭的阳台作为一个整体,建立了热平衡方程,并依据天津典型年气象资料进行了热平衡计算。 cnki

This cooling effect arises from the energy- selective removal of the most energetic trapped atoms and the thermal equilibrium of the remaining atoms.
该冷却效应是由势阱中热原子的能量选择性逃逸和剩余原子的热平衡所致。 opticsjournal

Transpiration cooling of a liquid rocket thruster chamber was investigated numerically using a two dimensional local non thermal equilibrium model.
对液体火箭发动机推力室发汗冷却传热过程的二维局部非热平衡模型进行了数值计算。 cnki

Thermal equilibrium can be used for predicting bath temperature at endpoint only with stable raw materials supply and operation.
只有减小原料条件的波动和稳定操作,才可用热平衡方法预测吹炼终点熔池温度。 chinamet




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