

单词 befalls
释义 be·fall·s 英bɪ'fɔːl美bɪ'fɔːl COCA⁷¹⁶³²BNC¹⁰⁴⁵⁸⁴⁺Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²
become of; happen to;

He promised that no harm would befall her

What has become of my children?

happen, occur, or be the case in the course of events or by chance;

It happens that today is my birthday

These things befell

近义词 be有occur发生happen发生become变成betide发生overtake赶上transpire蒸发ensue跟着发生bechance 发生take place发生come to pass发生(出现come about发生,产生,实现…

用作动词It can also be argued that the disaster Mr Crocker says willbefallIraq if America leaves has happened already.但也可以说,克罗克所说的如果美国撤军就会发生的灾难,实际上已经发生了。
A great misfortunebefellhim.一场大难降临到他的头上。 No doubt too there is a great deal of chance in what befalls us.
诚然,我们日常所遭遇的很多事情,无疑是偶然的。 blog.sina.com.cn

Though death befalls all men alike, it may be weightier than Mount Tai or lighter than a feather.

What happens, some critics ask, if tragedy befalls a passenger flight?
有批评家质问:如果载客飞行发生事故又会怎样? yeeyan

When you buy into a government like this, all misery that befalls you in life is just a favor that it's doing for you.
你要是轻信这样的政府,那你所遭遇的一切悲惨生活,就是它对你活生生的恩赐。 customersdeals.com

“ Hitting the wall” is an all too common experience that befalls athletes and Gebrselassie isn't an exception.
“撞墙”是所有运动员都体验过的,海里也不例外。 yeeyan

Crisis befalls happily married couple Bruce and Diana and they decide to go their separate ways, each one in search of their dreams.
危机降临幸福夫妇布鲁斯和黛安娜和他们决定分道扬镳,各自寻找自己的梦想之一。 avzero.com

I look out my window to try and catch a glimpse of him. My mirror cracks and the curse befalls me.
我从窗口望出去,只希望能看上他一眼。我的镜子碎成了碎片,诅咒降临到了我头上。 hpfans.net

In a twist of fate, an unexpected occurrence befalls their seemingly mediocre and uneventful lives.
不料,在看似贫乏无味的人生中,却发生了一件重大转折。 vcddvd88.com

They also pity people, only out of weakness, fearing that anything that befalls anyone else might easily happen to them.
他们也同情别人,却是出于脆弱,害怕发生在别人身上的事情也发生在自己身上。 www.friend.my.5460.net

This is especially true when projects hit a hurdle or when some major calamity befalls the project or team.
当项目遇到障碍,或是项目或团队遭受灾难性打击的时候,这一点尤其适用。 yeeyan

Though death befalls all men alike, it may be weightier than Mount Taishan or lighter than a feather.

Unless a miracle befalls the conservative coalition opposition, the Rudd formula will see him finish2010 with a second election victory.
除非保守的反对党联盟有奇迹降临,否则,2010年结束时,陆克文将以这种陆克文式的行事方式取得他第二次大选的胜利。 ecocn

We will carry on until we finish the work, whatever befalls.
不管发生什么事,我们都会坚持下去,直到完成那项工作。 hujiang

Whatever befalls me I shall not disturb my cheerful happiness of mind.
所以无论面临甚么事,都不应扰乱欢喜的心境; goodweb

When adversity befalls others, you tend to comfort them like a thinker.
当不幸降临在他人头上时,他们往往都能像智者一样劝慰别人; ebigear




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