

单词 thereabouts
释义 there·a·bouts 英ˌðeərəˈbaʊts美ˌðɛrəˈbaʊtsAHDYâr'ə-boutsʹ ☆☆☆☆☆高四八COCA⁴⁹⁴⁰⁸BNC²⁵⁴⁹⁰iWeb²⁷²³⁰
near that time or date;

come at noon or thereabouts

near that place;

he stayed in London or thereabouts for several weeks

there,那里,about,大约,-s,副词所有格。or thereabouts大约there or thereabouts大约
there-about大约-s复数⇒adv.在那附近⁵⁰;大约⁵⁰adv.上下;左右;附近;这一带;前后;在那个时间前后;大约那时;此后;以后近义词 or so大约thereabout在那附近near there在那附近靠近那里…
用作副词The factory is in Leeds or somewherethereabouts.那工厂在利兹,也许在利兹附近。
I'll be home at 8 o'clock orthereabouts.我8点钟回家,8点左右吧。
The new teacher is forty orthereabout.这位新老师大约40岁。as in.generally
同义词 broadly,commonly,customarily,largely,mostly,normally,ordinarily,publicly,roughly,typically,universally,usually,widelyabout,all in all,almost always,altogether,approximately,as a rule,by and large,chiefly,conventionally,en masse,extensively,for the most part,habitually,on average,on the whole,overall,popularly,practically,predominantly,primarily,principally,regularly,roundly
反义词 rarely,sometimes,unusuallyexactly,particularly,seldom,specificallyas in.more or less
同义词 about,almost,around,ballpark figure,bordering on,circa,close to,in the ballpark,in the neighborhood of,in the vicinity of,just about,not far from,not quite,on average,relatively,roughly,very close
generallyadverb mainly, in most cases
about,all in all,almost always,altogether,approximately,as a rule,broadly,by and large,chiefly,commonly,conventionally,customarily,en masse,extensively,for the most part,habitually,largely,mostly,normally,on average,on the whole,ordinarily,overall,popularly,practically,predominantly,primarily,principally,publicly,regularly,roughly,roundly,typically,universally,usually,widely
more or lessadverb approximately
about,almost,around,ballpark figure,bordering on,circa,close to,in the ballpark,in the neighborhood of,in the vicinity of,just about,not far from,not quite,on average,relatively,roughly,thereabouts,very close During the hour or thereabouts that he had been in the garden he had already spread out a number of them.
他在园里已经待了个把钟头,已经盖上了相当数量的草荐。 ebigear

His age may have been fifty or thereabouts, for his black, curly hair was thickly shot with gray.
他那鬈曲的黑发已经多半灰白,料想他的年纪当在五十上下。 exams

There was a man thereabouts who went to a red- haired woman for such are supposed to be wise in these things—and she told him to take the calf down to the edge of the river, and hide himself and watch.
附近的一个男人便去拜访一位红发女人据说红发女人擅长应付这些事情,后者令他将小牛带到河边,然后躲起来观望。 yeeyan

An official US unemployment rate that hit10% last year, and seems set to stay there or thereabouts for months yet, already makes grim reading.
官方的美国失业率去年达到10%,已经造成了糟糕的观感,而且看来它还要停留在那里或附近好几个月。 ebigear

An hour before midnight the tavern closed up and its lights the only ones thereabouts were put out.
午夜前一小时,客栈关了门,连那仅有的灯光也熄灭了。 jukuu

But it's still only October and we're going to be working very hard to ensure we're there or thereabouts come the end of the season in all competitions.
但是现在还是十月,我们要确保我们一直努力确保我们在榜首前的位置,或者赛季末在周围大概的位置。 fans1

Chelsea are going to be up there or thereabouts for a long time with the quality they have. Last season, they were consistent again but had blips here and there.
切尔西凭借他们的实力已经接近或者说超过了很长的一段时间,上赛季,他们又坚持了下来,但不可否认他们有这样或那样的问题。 iciba

Consecration is responsible for a very large amount of your threat, easily 25% or thereabouts, so dropping it is usually the least preferable option.
奉献在骑士仇恨里占很大一块,25%还要多,所以放弃并不是个好选择。 ngacn

Everything but murder and treason had been my practice from the age of eighteen, OR thereabouts, to threescORe.
从十八岁左右一直到六十岁,除了杀人同造反外,什么事我都干过。 ebigear

From the end of the Second World War until1980 or thereabouts, people working in finance earned about the same, on average and taking account of their qualifications, as people in other industries.
自第二次世界大战末期到1980年,金融业从业人员与其他行业相同资历的人员,平均所获薪酬一样多。 yeeyan

He wondered how the territory thereabouts was growing.
他想看看那一带地区发展得怎么样了。 xddhy

Speaking at the time, British Maj Gen Nick Carter predicted: “ In three months' time or thereabouts, we should have a pretty fair idea about whether we have been successful.”
说到时间表,英国少将尼克卡特预言“有3个月左右的时间,我们就应该能对于我们是否已经取得成功有一个清楚认识了。” yeeyan

This alternative assumption raises the gains from free trade in goods by$174 billion or thereabouts.
按照这样的说法,会使得我们从自由贸易中获得的收益增加大约1740亿美元。 ecocn

Though the long- colonised eastern states had a sex ratio of one man to one woman, or thereabouts, in the rest of the country the old adage “ go west, young man” had resulted in a surplus of males.
虽然在长期受殖民统治的东部各州,男女性别比率基本持平,但是在“年轻人,去西部”的口号影响下,其他州呈现了男性过剩的局面。 ecocn

We are always there or thereabouts at the end of the season.
我们在赛季末一直都是差一点。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn

We have a hundred thousand francs or thereabouts loaned on their securities, and we are a little uneasy at reports that have reached us that the firm is on the brink of ruin.
我们大约有十万法郎投资在他们那儿,我们接到报告,听说这家公司有可能破产,所以我们有点不大放心。 ebigear

When he was about your age, when he was17 or thereabouts, maybe slightly younger than many of you, he was sent by his father to do what you are doing.




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