

单词 therapeutics
释义 ther·a·peu·tics 英ˌθerəˈpjuːtɪks美ˌθɛrəˈpjutɪksAHDthĕr'ə-py›“tĭks 高COCA⁴⁵⁵⁷⁴BNC⁵⁴⁰⁷⁶iWeb¹⁴⁶⁶³
branch of medicine concerned with the treatment of diseasetherapeutic,治疗的,-ics,学说。mediate therapeutics间接疗法rational therapeutics合理疗法specific therapeutics特异疗法, 特效药…mental therapeutics精神疗法empiric therapeutics经验疗法group mental therapeutics集体心理治疗…
therapeut(-ics名…学⇒n.治疗学³⁴;疗法⁶⁶n.医治疗学³⁴;疗法论;治疗法近义词 medicine药treatment治疗

用作名词For practicality, oxygentherapeuticsalso excel.从实用的角度来看,氧气疗法也更具优势。
He hopes that such research will lead to newtherapeutics.他希望这种研究将导致新的疗法的出现。
He began by distinguishing between gene therapy and genetherapeutics.他首先介绍了基因治疗与基因疗法的区别。as in.rehab
同义词 regimen,rehabilitation,therapyanalysis,care,cure,diet,doctoring,healing,hospitalization,medication,medicine,operation,prescription,remedy,surgeryas in.therapy
同义词 analysis,cure,healing,medicine,remedyremedial treatmentas in.treatment
同义词 analysis,cure,hospitalization,medication,medicine,operation,prescription,regimen,remedy,surgery,therapydiet,healingdoctoring
rehabnoun treatment
therapiesnoun healing treatment
analyses,cures,healings,medicines,remedial treatments,remedies,therapeutics
therapynoun healing treatment
analysis,cure,healing,medicine,remedial treatment,remedy,therapeutics
treatmentnoun medical care
treatmentsnoun medical care
action towards,angles,approaches,behavior towards,conduct,customs,dealing,employments,executions,habits,lines,managements,manipulations,manners,methods,modes,modus operandis,practices,procedures,proceedings,processing,receptions,strategies,usages,ways It is especially interesting that this new step in stem cell therapeutics was first taken with a child.
格外值得关注的是,这是第一次将干细胞治疗应用于儿童。 yeeyan

Just as an example, in China, the top Western pharmaceutical company only has about a 3 percent or 4 percent market share of the total therapeutics in that market.
举例来说,在中国市场,每年的销售成绩也只占默克公司约3%至4%的年度总营收。 yeeyan

The editorial in the journal Drugs and Therapeutics Bulletin warns that using synthetic testosterone to combat so-called symptoms is questionable.
“药物与治疗公报”刊物发表的编辑文章警告说,应用合成睾丸激素治疗所谓男人更年期病症是危险的。 yeeyan

“ If we can unravel their code, we can engineer these molecules to bend the genome to our will, ” Rinn says. “ That would be a totally new facet for therapeutics and human health.”
“如果我们可以破解他们的编码,我们就可以在工程上制造这些 RNA,让染色体按照我们的意愿工作,” Rinn说,“这对于治疗学与人类健康的来说将是全新的一页。” yeeyan

But oxygen therapeutics last months to years at room temperatures and lack blood- typing proteins, which are found on the coats of red cells.
但氧气疗法的替代物可在常温下存放数月到数年,并且没有红细胞外表所含的与血型相关的蛋白。 iciba

Conclusion Maggot therapeutics is an effective biological therapy for repairing serious infective wound.
结论蛆虫疗法是一种修复严重感染创面安全有效的生物扩创疗法。 cnki

He founded Pulse Therapeutics to develop the discovery, in which tiny magnetic particles would be mixed with a clot-busting drug, and a magnet would be used to get more of the drug to its target.
他成立了 Pulse Therapeutics公司来开发这一发现。他用细小的磁铁颗粒与溶解血块的药物混合,而磁铁可以将更多的药物带入目标位置。 yeeyan

How these biological findings may inform regenerative medicine and stem-cell biology and therapeutics will be considered and discussed.
这些生物的研究结果可能如何告知再生医学和干细胞生物学和疗法,将审议和讨论。 www.med365.com.cn

However, this level of SPF is too low and not based on how people actually use sun creams, says an editorial in the influential Drug and Therapeutics Bulletin DTB.
然而,著名报刊《药物和疗法公报》的一篇社论指出,这个15F防晒水平太低,而且并不是以现实生活中人们是如何使用防晒霜为出发点的。 huanqiu

In an interesting development in stem cell therapeutics, a boy in the UK had a trachea transplant performed in which the transplanted organ was regrown using his own stem cells.
有一个干细胞治疗的有趣案例,一个英国男孩在做气管移植手术时,使用的气管是来源于自己干细胞的再生。 yeeyan

In another example of innovative biology that companies hoped would provide new therapeutics, Roche has invested heavily in technology called RNA interference.
另外一个罗氏公司认为能够提供新疗法的生物创新领域,并且着重投资的技术叫做 RNA干扰。 yeeyan

Objective To research the application of maggot therapeutics for repairing serious infective wound.
目的探讨蛆虫疗法用于修复严重感染创面的应用体会。 cnki

The fact that therapeutics targeting these signaling pathways are still lagging is not surprising.
事实上,针对这些信号通路的疗法仍然滞后也就不足为奇了。 www.med365.com.cn

The final session will cover the latest advances in the development of vaccines and therapeutics, the traditional ending for this meeting series and a reminder to attendees of the ultimate objectives.
最后一次会议将包括在疫苗和疗法,对本次会议系列的传统结束的发展的最新进展,并提醒与会者的最终目标。 www.med365.com.cn

The Association's global and regional steering committees bring together industry experts to focus on important issues relating to the quality, safety and efficacy of plasma therapeutics.
该协会全球性和地方性的指导委员会都带来了产业专家对重要事件的重视,这些重要事件与血浆治疗学的质量,安全和效力有关系。 ausbio

The new study also provides a direction for developing therapeutics for those who are genetically more susceptible to air pollution and airway damage, Liedtke said.
利特克说,这项新的研究同时从基因学的角度为那些对空气污染和呼吸道受伤害的人群发明新疗法提供了一个方向。 yeeyan

There are down sides to oxygen therapeutics, though.
当然,氧气疗法也有其缺点。 iciba

They are using fields generated by a magnetic- resonance imaging MRI machine to ferry small beads through the bloodstream with the goal of delivering therapeutics close to tumours.
他们使用的是核磁共振 MRI机器生成的磁场通过血液流动运送小珠,目的是把治疗药物输送到肿瘤附近。 yeeyan

They presented the results of their work with mice in November2009 at the Molecular Targets and Cancer Therapeutics conference.
在2009年11月举行的分子靶和癌症治疗大会上,他们展示了利用小鼠所做的实验成果。 yeeyan

This paper discusses two methods preventing examination anxiety: cognitive therapeutics and behavior therapeutics.
考试焦虑的防治疗法主要有两种:认知疗法和行为疗法。 iciba

This should allow the robots to crawl around the GI tract and obtain detailed images, dispense therapeutics or, with the right surgical tools, perform biopsies.
这将使机器人可以在胃肠道周围爬行,得到细致的图片,用适当的外科手术工具施行治疗,进行活体组织检查。 yeeyan




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