

单词 beetle
释义 beetle 英ˈbiːtl美ˈbitļAHDbētʹl ★☆☆☆☆高六ST四八GCOCA¹⁰⁰⁰⁹BNC¹⁵²⁷⁹iWeb⁸⁷⁵¹Economist²²⁰⁹⁹⁺


insect with hard,shiny wing-covers

insect having biting mouthparts and front wings modified to form horny covers overlying the membranous rear wingsa tool resembling a hammer but with a large head usually wooden; used to drive wedges or ram down paving stones or for crushing or beating or flattening or smoothing
jutting or overhanging;

beetle brows

be suspended over or hang over;

This huge rock beetles over the edge of the town

fly or go in a manner resembling a beetle;

He beetled up the staircase

They beetled off home

beat with a beetle单词beetle甲壳虫来自古英语,与动词bite咬同源,本意就是“会咬人的小虫子”。
beetle:'biːtəl n. 甲虫;大槌vi. 急忙来回;突出vt. 用槌打
bite:baɪt v. 咬;刺痛n. 咬;一口;咬伤;刺痛
用作名词 n.
形容词+~black beetle黑甲虫;蟑螂名词+~dung beetle屎壳郎death watch beetle报死窃蠹
应用实例著名乐队The Beatles甲壳虫乐队,常翻译为“披头士”。
beet=bit,咬+le名词后缀,表行为者→咬人的昆虫⇒甲壳虫。近义词 scud疾驶dart飞镖hurry匆忙scoot急走mallet木槌scuttle煤斗scurry小步疾走beetling突出的overhang悬于 … 之上…
用作名词n.He saw a shiny green beetle on a leaf.我看见树叶上有一只闪闪发光的绿色甲虫。Pblackbeetlen.蟑螂Pbeetle-brainn.傻瓜Pbeetleheadeda.笨的Pbeetleheadn.笨蛋呆子Pbeetle-crushern.大脚大靴子Pbeetle-broweda.眉毛粗的浓眉的皱眉头的

用作名词She screamed as she saw thebeetle.看到甲虫,她尖叫起来。
Thebeetlescurried away when I lifted the stone.我把石头搬起来时,那只甲虫跑了。用作动词After work we allbeetleoff for a drink.下班之后我们都急忙赶去喝几杯。
Editorsbeetledaround the office.编辑们在办公室里忙得团团转。
A huge rockbeetlesinto the water.一块巨石突出来伸入水中。as in.oversized
同义词 oversizebag,balloon,belly,bilge,billow,bloat,blob,dilate,distend,enlarge,expand,extrude,jut,massive,overhang,poke,pop out,pouch,protrude,protuberate,puff out,sag,stand out,stick out,swellas in.bug
同义词 ant,flea,pestcootie,gnat,louse,verminas in.insect
同义词 ant,aphid,bee,butterfly,cockroach,dragonfly,flea,fruit fly,gnat,grasshopper,ladybug,mite,mosquito,moth,pest,spider,termite,tickarachnid,arthropod,bedbug,bumblebee,cootie,fly,hornet,lousedaddy longlegs,praying mantis,yellowjacket,verminas in.bulge
同义词 bloat,protrude,swellbag,balloon,billow,dilate,distend,enlarge,expand,extrude,jut,overhang,poke out,protuberatebug out,pop out,puff out,stand out,stick outas in.hang
同义词 attach,bend,cover,dangle,decorate,drape,drift,flap,float,hold,hover,lean,pin,remain,stay up,stick,swing,waveadhere,bow,cling,deck,depend,droop,drop,fasten,fix,flop,furnish,impend,incline,loll,lop,lower,nail,overhang,project,rest,sag,tack,trailbe fastened,be in mid-air,be loose,be pendent,be poisedas in.jut
同义词 bulge,elongate,extend,impend,lengthen,overhang,poke out,pop out,pouch,project,protrude,protuberatestand out,stick outas in.lean
同义词 bow,drift,incline,nod,prop,recline,slant,tilt,tip,twist,veercant,careen,curve,decline,deflect,dip,divert,droop,heel,jut,list,overhang,pitch,place,repose,rest,roll,sag,sheer,sink,slope,turnbear on,be off,be slanted,fasten on,hang on,put weight on,rest onas in.overhang
同义词 command,endanger,extend,impend,jut,loom,menace,overtop,poke,portend,pouch,project,protrude,threatenbe imminent,be suspended,cast a shadow,dangle over,droop over,flap over,rise above,stand out,stick out,swing over,tower aboveas in.project
同义词 extendjut,lengthen,overhang,poke,pout,prolong,protrude,protuberatebe conspicuous,be prominent,hang over,pop out,push out,stand out,stick out,stretch out,thrust outas in.protrude
同义词 bulge,jut out,poke out,stick outdistend,extend,extrude,jut,obtrude,overhang,point,pop out,pouch,pout,project,start,swellbutt out,come through,shoot out,stand out,stick upas in.protuberate
同义词 bulge,bulge outbag,balloon,belly,bilge,billow,bloat,dilate,distend,enlarge,expand,extrude,jut,jut out,overhang,poke out,pouch,project,protrude,swellbug out,pop out,puff out,stand out,stick outas in.stand out
同义词 emerge,loom,stick outattract attention,be distinct,be highlighted,be striking,bulge,bulk,catch the eye,jut,overhang,poke,pouch,project,protrudeas in.stick out
同义词 bulge,bulge out,jut out,poke out,protrude,stand outcome through,extend,extrude,jut,obtrude,outthrust,overhang,pouch,pout,project,protend,push,show
bugnoun insect
bulgeverb project outward
bag,balloon,beetle,billow,bloat,bug out,dilate,distend,enlarge,expand,extrude,jut,overhang,poke out,pop out,protrude,protuberate,puff out,stand out,stick out,swell
hangverb suspend or be suspended
adhere,attach,be fastened,be in mid-air,be loose,be pendent,be poised,beetle,bend,bow,cling,cover,dangle,deck,decorate,depend,drape,drift,droop,drop,fasten,fix,flap,float,flop,furnish,hold,hover,impend,incline,lean,loll,lop,lower,nail,overhang,pin,project,remain,rest,sag,stay up,stick,swing,tack,trail,wave
insectnoun bug
ant,aphid,arachnid,arthropod,bedbug,bee,beetle,bumblebee,butterfly,cockroach,cootie,daddy longlegs,dragonfly,flea,fly,fruit fly,gnat,grasshopper,hornet,ladybug,louse,mite,mosquito,moth,pest,praying mantis,spider,termite,tick,vermin,yellowjacket
jutverb protrude
beetle,bulge,elongate,extend,impend,lengthen,overhang,poke out,pop out,pouch,project,protrude,protuberate,stand out,stick out
juttedverb extend
beetled,bulged,elongated,impended,lengthened,overhung,poked,popped,pouched,projected,protruded,protuberated,stood out,stuck out The compact Volkswagen Beetle has always been a fuel-efficient car, but what about applying that conservationist model to a house?
大众甲虫小型轿车一直以来以省油著称,但如果将其环保主义应用于房屋又会怎样呢? yeeyan

The mountain pine beetle is one step closer to crossing North America and turning eastern pine forests into the same bleak landscapes that have scarred the Mountain West in recent years.
山松甲虫距离穿越北美大陆又近了一步,同时也使得东部的松林,呈现出与近些年来的西山一样的满目疮痍的凄凉景象。 yeeyan

The beetle larvae, too, were killed— though that was no surprise, since the oil contained a lot of nicotine.
此外,甲虫幼虫也可被杀死——这其实是意料之中的,因为这种油里含有大量的尼古丁。 ecocn

What’s more, they think they could improve that by an order of magnitude if they made the beetle a true cyborg and directly implanted the generators to the insect’s flight muscles.
不只如此,研究人员认为,如果把甲虫制成真正的生物机器人,并且把发动机直接植入甲虫的飞行肌肉里,产生的电力将上升一个能量级。 yeeyan

With half an inch of rain per year, the beetle can only survive by consuming the dew it collects on the hydrophilic skin of its back in the early mornings.
它的生活地每年只有半英尺的降雨量,这种甲虫可以通过使用它背部具吸水性的皮肤在早晨收集的水露存活下来。 yeeyan

Another Rosebud project is an environmental study; the American burying beetle is of special concern.
罗思巴德的另一个项目是一份环境调查,特别关注了美国的埋葬甲虫。 ecocn

As with the mountain bark beetle, it is not entirely clear why this is happening.
至于山地树皮甲虫,现不完全清楚为什么会发生这种虫害役情。 ecocn

But as global warming snakes its way into higher altitudes, a less- welcome resident in taking up space in this fragile ecosystem: the mountain pine beetle.
但是随着全球变暖向高海拔地区蔓延,一个不受欢迎的居民进入了这个脆弱的生态环境:山地松树甲虫。 yeeyan

But when genetic characterization of the contents of beetle guts gave some unexpected results, the researchers decided to take a closer look at earthworm DNA.
但是,当甲虫背脊骨包容的遗传特性显示出一些意想不到的结果时,这些研究人员决定仔细查明蚯蚓的 DNA。 yeeyan

Canada's beetle-plagued forests are a net carbon source.
加拿大甲虫遍布的森林就是一块净碳源。 blog.sina.com.cn

Even the fruit beetle isn’t strong enough to carry much besides the electrodes and radio antennas that steer it.
水果甲虫甚至除了电极和操控它们的无线电天线外,也承载不了多少东西。 yeeyan

He could see the beetle under the bark, and draw it forth unharmed for us to squint at through the magnifying glass.
他能看到树皮下的甲虫,并把它毫发无伤地捉下来,放在放大镜下让我们看。 putclub.com

He studied the Namib beetle, an ingenious species that lives in one of the driest places on earth.
他研究了纳米布甲虫,这是一种机灵的物种,生活在世界上最干燥的地方之一。 yeeyan

He won't be starving anyone else or beating them with their chains or stepping on their beetle.
他不会让任何其他人挨饿,也不会用锁链抽打他们,不会踩死他们的甲壳虫。 yeeyan

In his world, science can explain the beetle, the lotus leaf and the spider’s web, but not why they appear beautiful to people.
在他的世界里,科学可以解释甲虫,荷叶以及蜘蛛的网,但却无法解释为什么人们会觉得这些如此美丽。 ecocn

In1954, the last time GM’s share price was this low, the Cadillac Eldorado had yet to grow fins and the Volkswagen Beetle was still a novelty.
而上次通用股价跌倒如此低的水平是在1954年。 那时,凯迪拉克埃尔多拉多还没有推向市场,而大众的甲壳虫仍然是新鲜事物。 ecocn

My car, a VW beetle is12 years old. It will be the last car I ever own.
我的车---一辆大众生产的甲壳虫已经用了12年了,它将会是我拥有的最后一辆车。 yeeyan

Recently the Berkeley team created a remote- control fig beetle that they can launch and land and direct to the left and right.
最近伯克利的团队制造了一个远程控制的无花果甲虫,这种昆虫能起飞能着陆,而且能够分辨左右。 yeeyan

Researchers now report just such a discovery: the joint of a beetle leg that turns inward and outward like a screw.
现在,研究人员正是关于这样一个发现做出报告:甲虫肢体关节内外旋转和螺丝的原理异曲同工。 yeeyan

Some species of scarab are threatened by habitat loss and collection by beetle hunters, but as a whole, the scarab population is stable.
部分金龟科甲虫由于栖息地的丢失和甲虫收集者的捕捉而受到威胁。但是总体来说,金龟科种群还是稳定的。 yeeyan

THE mountain bark beetle is a familiar pest in the forests of British Columbia.
山树皮甲虫是不列颠哥伦比亚省森林里常见的害虫。 ecocn

The insecticide is the product of a bacterial gene inserted into GM maize and other cereal crops to protect them against insects such as the European corn borer beetle.
这种杀虫剂是细菌基因植入到转基因玉米和其它谷类作物的产物,以防治欧洲玉米螟甲虫之类的昆虫。 yeeyan

There never was a rock that bounded like a kangaroo, never a pebble that crawled like a beetle seeking a mate, never a sand grain that swam like a water flea.
从未有过一块岩石能像袋鼠一样跳跃,从未有过一粒鹅卵石能像寻偶的甲壳虫一样爬行,从未有过一颗沙砾能像水蚤一样游泳。 yeeyan

To test the beetle's amphibian eating ability, the researchers set up an experiment straight out of Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome.
为了测试甲虫捕食两栖类的能力,两位研究人员设计了如同《末日战士勇破雷电堡》一样的实验。 yeeyan

Tomorrow I shall look for a new beetle.
明天,我将去找一只新的甲壳虫。 yeeyan

What was a surprise was that removing this nicotine did not diminish the oil’s effectiveness against bacteria and fungi, and made it only marginally less effective against beetle larvae.
但意料之外的是,将这种油去除后,对细菌和真菌的影响作用却并没有降低,只是对甲虫幼虫的作用在一定程度上减轻了。 ecocn.org




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