

单词 be elected
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Michele Bachmann said she would do away with the Department of Education if elected president. In fact, if there's no Department of Education, it would make it easier for her to be elected.
米歇尔·巴赫曼说,如果她当选总统的话,她将废除教育部,事实上,如果没有教育部的话,那么她当选总统就会更加容易些。 yeeyan

But they are learning that the safest way to become president and to remain president is to be elected— a lesson Mrs Arroyo is teaching them.
但是,总统竞选人正在学习阿罗约总统正授教给他们的一个教训:当选总统和保住总统的最安全途径是通过选举当选总统。 ecocn

One of the candidates needs to secure more than half the vote to be elected president.
其中一位候选人需要得到超过半数的选票来当选总统。 ebigear




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