

单词 theophylline
释义 the·oph·yl·line 英θiːˈɒfəlɪn, ˌθiːəʊˈfɪlˌiːn美θiˈɑfəlɪn, ˌθioˈfɪlˌinAHDthē-ŏfʹə-lĭn, thē'ō-fĭlʹēn' 高COCA⁶⁹⁵⁰⁹BNC⁶⁸²⁴²iWeb⁴⁰⁷⁶⁴

a colorless crystalline alkaloid derived from tea leaves or made synthetically; used in medicine as a bronchial dilatortheo-phyll叶-ine化学物质⇒n.〈化〉茶碱n.化茶碱;二甲基黄嘌呤近义词 Theobid茶碱Elixophyllin茶碱theophyll…Slo-Bid无水茶碱长效制剂<支气管…
A solvent extraction technique is presented with2 ethyl hexanol or octanol2 for recovery of theophylline in mother solution of synthetic process.
提出了以2-乙基己醇或仲辛醇萃取回收母液中茶碱的工艺流程。 cnki

The method is accurate, reliable and simple, and could be used for the determination of Theophylline Sustained-release Tablets.
方法准确可靠,简单易行,适用于茶碱缓释片中茶碱的含量测定。 cnki

A column- switching HPLC method was described for determination of theophylline in plasma.
本文采用 HPLC柱切换法,建立了茶碱的血浓度测定方法。 cnki

A method was established for the separation and determination of effective components of compound theophylline tablet by using MECC.
建立了毛细管胶束电动色谱分离测定复方茶碱片的新方法。 cnki

If you take theophylline, your doctor may advise you to avoid caffeine.
如果你在服用茶碱类药物,你的医生也可能会建议你远离咖啡因。 yeeyan

Indeed, when caffeine is ingested and broken down by the liver, one byproduct is small amounts of theophylline.
事实上,当咖啡因被人们摄入后,它会被肝脏分解,产生的副产物中就含有少量茶碱。 putclub

It interacts with theophylline, midazolam, ranitidine, aluminum hydroxide and omeprazole when they are concomitantly administrated.
本文还介绍了它与茶碱、咪达唑仑、雷尼替丁、氢氧化铝及奥美拉唑的相互作用。 cnki

Methods Plasma theophylline concentration monitoring materials of909 patients and the relevant clinical manifestations were analyzed.
方法分析我院资料齐全的909例茶碱血药浓度质量浓度监测结果及相应临床资料。 cnki

OBJECTIVE To study the pharmacokinetics of theophylline sodium glycinate guaifenesin and compare the relative bioavailability of the tablet and capsule.
目的考察复方甘氨酸茶碱钠片剂和胶囊剂在健康人体内的药动学过程及相对生物利用度。 cnki

OBJECTIVE To study the effect of ambroxol injection on the pharmacokinetics of theophylline in rabbits.
目的:研究氨溴索注射液对茶碱在家兔体内药动学的影响。 cnki

Objective To synthesis Calcium Theophylline.
目的合成茶碱钙。 cnki

Objective: To choose a method for determining the concentration of theophylline in plasma.
目的:筛选人血浆中茶碱浓度的高效液相色谱法。 cnki

Objective: To establish an HPLC method for determination the contents of theophylline, theobromine, ephedrine hydrochloride and caffeine in Compound Theophylline and Ephedrine Tablets.
目的:用高效液相色谱法同时测定复方茶碱麻黄碱片中可可碱、盐酸麻黄碱、茶碱和咖啡因的含量。 dictall

Objective: To observe the effect of theophylline on the induced sputum cytology of asthma.
目的:观察茶碱对哮喘患者诱导痰细胞学的影响。 cnki

Objective: Electrospray ionization mass spectrometry was applied to analyse caffeine, theobromine and theophylline.
目的:应用电喷雾质谱法对嘌呤生物碱咖啡因、可可碱和茶碱进行了质谱研究。 cnki

Objective:To observe the influences of high blood concentration of theophylline on arrhythmia.
目的:观察高血浓度茶碱对心律失常的影响,探索安全合理使用茶碱方法。 cnki

Rapid disintegration release tablets were prepared using theophylline as model drug and coated with water insoluble ethyl cellulose( EC to obtain pulsatile release tablets.
以茶碱为模型药物制备快速崩解的片芯,外包水不溶性的乙基纤维素 EC得脉冲释放片。 cnki

Studies find that theophylline in tea leaves can raise the body temperature, so drinking tea during a fever is not only bad for lowering body temperature, but also weakens the effect of medicine.
研究证明,茶叶里所含的茶碱会提高人的体温。发烧的病人如果喝茶不但不利于降体温,还会因喝茶而使降温药的作用大打折扣。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

Taking it along with caffeinated foods and beverages may increase the concentration of theophylline in your blood. This can cause ill effects, such as nausea, vomiting and heart palpitations.
与含有咖啡因的食品或饮品共同服用可能会增加血液中的茶碱浓度,这将导致一些不良反应,如恶心、呕吐和心悸等。 yeeyan

The experts, Yunwu Cha-rich theophylline, tea tannins, vitamins.
经专家鉴定,云雾茶富含茶碱、茶丹宁、维生素。 elycn

The other problem is that because of their chemical similarities, consuming too much caffeine can compound any side effects of theophylline.
此外,另一个问题在于,因为咖啡因和茶碱在化学性质上类似,所以摄入过多咖啡因会加剧茶碱所产生的副作用。 putclub

Theophylline is typically used for the treatment of bronchial asthma as a third line of treatment. Aminophylline is a preparation of theophylline used intravenously.
茶碱一般作为作为支气管哮喘的治疗的三线药物。氨茶碱是茶碱的静脉制剂。 mdchome




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