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the odyssey短语³¹⁷⁴⁶ 基本例句 🌏奥德赛;奥德塞;神话西游 So there were all kinds of attempts to read Homer, for example, the Iliad or the Odyssey as allegories for physical science. 比如说,希腊人尝试过用各种方法去解读《荷马史诗》,把《伊利亚特》或《奥德赛》解读为包含科学寓意。163 Then I began to wonder if Hanna would find the Odyssey sufficiently interesting, so I recorded what I read next after the Odyssey, stories by Schnitzler and Chekhov. 这时,我开始琢磨汉娜是否会认为《奥德赛》是很有趣的书,所以继《奥德赛》之后,我把接下来所朗读的施尼茨勒和契科夫的小说也录制了下来。 yeeyan With the Odyssey, I found at first that it was hard to take in as much when I read aloud as when I read silently to myself. But that changed. 当初我读《奥德赛》时,我发现不论是我大声朗读,还是默默咏读,都很难使人理解。 yeeyan The odyssey began on the shores of Honolulu, the Lakers convening for training camp without knowing what awaited them, other than a slew of grim possibilities. 故事还得从檀香山的海滨说起。湖人队在那儿集结训练,除了知道也许有一线转机之外,却不知等待他们将是什么。 www.kobechina.com.cn The Odyssey is full of lying, trickery, class betrayal. 《奥德赛》充满着谎言,诡计,和阶级背叛。163 During the course of the odyssey in search of selfhood, Holden ultimately gains a new self after experiencing three times symbolic death. 在寻找自我的历程中,经过三次象征性死亡,霍尔顿终于获得重生。 cnki In the Odyssey Homer tells of lotus- eaters who live in dreamy indolence. 在《奥德赛》中,荷马记述了生活在梦想中的忘忧国的吃莲花的人。 nciku In Ancient Greece, wrestling is described in the earliest celebrated works of Greek literature, the Iliad and the Odyssey. 在古希腊,摔跤运动被记录在了古希腊最早的著名文学作品《伊利亚特》和《奥德赛》中。 http://www.readywin.com It contains a lot of narratives and its narrative materials are an account of the odyssey of a people, the nation of Israel. 它包含很多的故事,而且故事是取材于,奥德塞中的人物,取材于以色列这国家的。163 She wanted to hear what Greek and Latin sounded like, and I read to her from the Odyssey and the speeches against Cataline. 她想听希腊语和拉丁语是怎么说的,我给她读了史诗《奥德赛》和西塞路反击卡提林纳那篇著名的演讲。 yeeyan Telemachus, in Homer's story of the Odyssey, tipped his vehicle vertically against a wall, while others removed their wheels in the evening Gordon,1978 to prevent warping. 荷马史诗里的忒勒马科斯,他的车在晚上是竖直靠墙的,而其他的车则被卸去了轮毂以防止变形戈登,1978。 www.youfind.com.cn Telemachus, in Homer’s story of the Odyssey, tipped his vehicle vertically against a wall, while others removed their wheels in the evening Gordon,1978 to prevent warping. 荷马史诗里的忒勒马科斯在晚上把他的车竖直靠墙,而其他的车则被卸去了轮毂以防止变形戈登,1978。 yeeyan Without knowing the Odyssey, man would know nothing of the fidelity of Penelope, without Shakespeare, he would know nothing of the doubts of Hamlet, or the love between Romeo and Juliet. 如果不知道《奥德赛》,人们就不会明白珀涅罗珀的忠诚;如果没有莎士比亚,人们不会明白哈姆雷特的疑问,以及罗密欧与朱丽叶之间的爱情。 www.1x1y.com.cn |