

单词 theocrats
释义 theocratsCOCA⁹⁴⁵⁰⁷
🌏神权政治拥护者;神权主义者原型theocrat的复数 It will be said that this revolution is likely to be betrayed or hijacked, that the hard-liners and the theocrats are certain to prevail at the end of the day.
可以说这场革命很可能会是人们反叛逃离或者政府武力胁持的结果,这场革命很可能最后以强硬派和神权统治者胜利告终。 yeeyan

An angry Martin Luther nailed95 theocrats to a church door.
怒火中烧的马丁·路德把95个神学人员钉到教堂门上。 bokee

For theocrats, the professor says, “ heresy charges have always been an easy way out, a way to explain difficult problems.”
对神权政治家而言,那依姆教授说,“指控异端常被当成是摆脱困境的好办法,也常被用来掩饰许多复杂的问题”。 topsage

Having extended their influence at the expense of purely earthly powers, the theocrats had an interest in keeping geopolitical tension on the boil.
一旦这些神职人员的影响力超越单纯的世俗力量,他们会比较喜欢保持地缘政治的紧张状态持续沸腾。 yeeyan

In any case, he insists that his liberal reading of Islam is closer to the roots of the faith than the theocrats' interpretations are.
他强调说,不管怎样,他对伊斯兰经典的开明的阐释比神权政治家们的解释更接近这一信仰的本原。 ecocn

Mr Obama’s critics accused him of failing to support democrats and oppose theocrats with sufficient vigour.
反对奥巴马做法的人则指责说,他对民主不够支持,却对宗教人士态度暧昧。 blog.sina.com.cn

Non- binding resolutions against defamation are bad enough; a UN treaty on race-plus- religion would have legal force, at least for its signatories, and give heart to theocrats.
对于诽谤无约束力的决议本身已经很糟糕了,另一项具有法律约束力的联合国种族-宗教条约则会进一步鼓励神政主义者,至少对其签署国来说如此。 ecocn

Such talk would open the way for theocrats to terrorise humanity anew with divine wrath, his critics said.
针对罗德的批评者说,这样的言论会帮助神权政治家利用天怒人怨的说法再度威胁全人类。 ecocn

This is the kind of fresh, youthful secular Arabism the West should get behind, liberating them from the squeeze between autocrats and would-be theocrats.
这才是西方应该支持并帮助他们从独裁或是神权政治的打压下解放出来的那种年轻而富有活力的世俗阿拉伯国家。 blog.sina.com.cn

With Iran, for instance, this means an offer of direct talks with the theocrats in Tehran.
以美国和伊朗的关系为例,这第一步便是美国提出愿与德黑兰的宗教领袖进行直接会谈。 yeeyan




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