

单词 Beebe
释义 Bee·be 英ˈbiːbiː美ˈbibiAHDbēʹbē COCA⁴⁴³⁸⁰BNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹
Beginning at roughly11:30 p. m. on New Year's Eve Arkansas wildlife officers started hearing reports of birds falling from the sky in a square- mile area of the city of Beebe.
大约自新年前夜的晚11点30分开始,阿肯色州野生动物部门的官员开始接到消息,称在毕比市上空大约一平方公里的区域内,有鸟儿从空中坠下。 com

Mike Beebe, the governor of Arkansas, has said he would have voted against Mr Obama's health-care legislation had he been in Congress.
阿肯色州州长麦克•毕比曾说过若他当时在国会任职的话,他一定会投票反对奥巴马的医疗法案。 ecocn

Mr Beebe will not consider it until the three men have served their suspended sentences or new evidence links someone else to the murders.
毕比先生会在三个嫌疑人服完他们的缓期徒刑或者新的证据引进了新的嫌疑人之后才考虑这个事情。 renren

On July14, Consul General Gao Yanping met with Governor of Arkansas Mike Beebe at the State Capitol.
2010年7月14日,中国驻休斯敦总领事高燕平在美国阿肯色州政府会见迈克·毕比州长。 www.fmprc.gov.cn

“We’re in a hyper competitive environment, ” Andrew Beebe, Chief Commercial Officer for Suntech, told Leone.
“我们身处于高度竞争的环境中,” Suntech商业部首席安德鲁.毕比告诉利昂。 yeeyan

Another unique aspect of the Beebe incident was that noise played a role, said Paul Slota, a spokesperson for the USGS National Wildlife Health Center in Madison, Wisc.
威斯康星州麦迪逊的美国地质勘查局国家野生动物健康中心的发言人 Paul Slota说,毕比事件的另一个独特方面在于它与噪音也有关。 ufochn.com

But when asked during a question-and- answer session about gay marriage, Mr Beebe said he did not think the state would ever pass a law like New York’s allowing gay marriage.
但是在问答环节,问及同性恋婚姻问题时,贝比说他认为阿肯色州永远都不会像纽约那样通过一部允许同性恋结婚的法律。 ecocn

Campaigners now want the governor of Arkansas, Mike Beebe, to pardon the three men.
竞选者现在要求阿肯色州的政府州长迈克毕比赦免这三名受害人。 renren

Even by the laid-back standards of Arkansas, there is not normally much buzz about Beebe.
即便按阿肯色州的安静标准,毕比的比平日喧闹得不正常。 yeeyan

I would like to thank Debbie Morris, a student at Beebe School of Nursing, for researching the background information and her assistance with writing this article.
我要感谢黛比莫里斯,一名学生在毕比护理学院,为研究的背景资料和她的援助,写这篇文章。 bbsls

Ideally, you should rehearse the speech in the same type of room where you will appear, whether a conference room or a ballroom, Professor Beebe said.
理想的时候,你应该在实际进行演讲的同类型场所进行排练,不论那是会议室、还是舞厅。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn

In Beebe, on the other hand, thousands of blackbirds had settled for the night in trees near people's homes.
另一方面,在毕比,上千画眉在人类住宅附近的树上过夜。 ufochn.com

Let's be clear. Investigations into the Beebe, Arkansas, incident are ongoing, and an official determination of the cause is expected later this week.
为了更明确这一点,本周晚些时候将进行一项对蜜蜂的调查。 yeeyan

Mr Hulaj said he had been immediately reminded of the events in Arkansas where 3,000 red-winged blackbirds died mysteriously on New Year's Eve in the town of Beebe.
Hulaj先生说,他立刻就想到了位于阿肯色州的 Beebe镇3000只红翼黑鸟在新年夜神秘死亡的事件。 yeeyan

The birds fell over a 1- mile area of Beebe, and an aerial survey indicated that no other dead birds were found outside of that area.
鸟群掉落在毕博市内方圆一英里的范围内,一份天线调查报告显示,区域外未发现其他死亡掉落的鸟。 yeeyan

The birds began dropping over the town of Beebe just before midnight on New Year's Eve, piling up on roofs and gardens.
新年除夕夜,这些鸟开始坠落在 Beebe城镇,掉在屋顶和花园。 tingclass

Beebe’s wildlife and environmental officials quickly confirmed that neither was the case as workers in protective suits made their way through streets, scooping up carcases for autopsy or disposal.
穿防护服的工人在公路上的尸体堆里铲出动物尸体去解剖或清理掉后,毕比管理野生动物与环境的官员迅速确认并不以上两种原因造成的。 yeeyan




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