释义 |
the Land Law 基本例句 土地法 The land law inhibited the creation of bigger farms.这项土地法禁止成立更大的农 Therefore, we should not try to enforcethe Land Lawall at once but should do it in two stages.因此,不应当企图一下实行土地法,而应当分两个阶段实行土地法。 ANDREW CASSELL: The proposed changes to the land law have polarised Scottish communities.对土地法案提出的修改引起了苏格兰社会严重的两极分化。 Confiscation and redistribution of all the land was a provision inthe Land Lawpromulgated in the Hunan-Kiangsi border area in 1928.一九二八年湘赣边界土地法中曾经有这样的规定。 |