

单词 theism
释义 the·ism 英ˈθiːˌɪzəm美ˈθiˌɪzəmAHDthēʹĭz'əm 高COCA⁶¹⁰⁷³BNC³⁴⁴²⁵iWeb²⁶⁹²⁷

the doctrine or belief in the existence of a God or godsthe-,神,-ism,主义,思想。钱博士the神-ism性质/状态主义⇒有神论,一神论
GRE难词记忆theism→the神-ism性质/状态理论,主义→有神论the神-ism性质/状态学|术|论|法⇒有神论,一神论。方振宇词汇奥秘the神-ism性质/状态论→有神论词根记忆the-ism性质/状态主义,论近义词 faith信仰piety虔诚belief信念religion宗教反义词 atheism无神论

用作名词By the time of the early Gupta empire the newtheismhad been harmonized with the old Vedic religion, and two of the main branches of Hinduism were fully recognized.笈多帝国的早期时期,新的一神论已经与旧的吠陀宗教融洽,印度教的其中两个主要分支已被充分确认。
The usualtheismis more insipid.平常的有神论则更淡而无味了。
Theism generally comes packaged in a religion.有神论一般都夹杂在宗教之中。as in.faith
同义词 church,conviction,denomination,doctrine,principle,religion,sect,teachingcanon,communion,confession,connection,credo,creed,cult,dogma,doxy,gospel,orthodoxy,persuasion,piety,piousness,profession,revelation,tenet,theology,worship
反义词 disbelief,secretagnosticism,denial,distrust,doubt,misgiving,rejection,skepticism,suspicion,unbeliefas in.theology
同义词 belief,creed,doctrine,dogma,faithcredo
反义词 disbelief,doubt,skepticism,unbelief
faithnoun belief in a higher being;community of believers
polytheismnoun belief in more than one god
hagiology pantheism polydaemonismreligion,theism,theologytritheism
theologynoun religious theory or belief
belief,credo,creed,doctrine,dogma,faith,theism Atheism itself, atheism as such, isn't and can't be a movement, because atheism is, at a minimum, simply non- theism: non- belief in any god.
字面上看无神论本身不是也不可能是一场运动,因为它仅仅是非有神论:即不相信任何神的存在。 yeeyan

By the time of the early Gupta empire the new theism had been harmonized with the old Vedic religion, and two of the main branches of Hinduism were fully recognized.
笈多帝国的早期时期,新的一神论已经与旧的吠陀宗教融洽,印度教的其中两个主要分支已被充分确认。 iciba

It draws out the pivot of theism.
有神失去了支点。 http://source.yeeyan.org

It has nothing to do with antitheism or theism.
无神论变得无关,有神论也无关。 blog.sina.com.cn

To trace it to its source, it results from the difference between the monotheism in the north and the poly theism in the south.
究其根源,则是由于北方一神崇拜与南方多神崇拜差异所导致的必然结果。 cnki

Apparently, I am on the side of non- theism.
很显然,俺是站在无神这边的。 http://source.yeeyan.org

Bare Theism would be to me a bleak creed and one subject to a standing limitation the insoluble problem of evil.
对我而言,光秃秃的壹神论只是没有内涵的教条,而且面临无法克服的限制——不能解决邪恶问题。 cntuw

Being opposite between theism and atheism, the mutual receptivity still remains between theism and atheism.
有神论与无神论是对立的,只有无神论与无神论之间才互有可接受性。 cnki

But she argues that modern atheism is as one-dimensional and transient a phenomenon as the modern varieties of theism including fundamentalism to which it responds.
但他主张,现代无神论正如有神论的其它现代表现形式包括正统派基督教一样,是一种短暂的现象,且是没有深度的,也是对后者的回应。 ecocn

Karl Jaspers is a German philosopher of theism existentialism, whose philosophy of existential education pays close attention to human psyche.
雅斯贝尔斯是德国有神论存在哲学家,他的存在主义教育哲学十分关注人的灵魂。 cnki

Only upholding scientific materialism, fighting against idealism, standing for atheism and resisting theism are we able to expel God, defeat ghosts, and abolish superstition.
只有坚持科学唯物论,反对唯心论,主张无神论,拒斥有神论,才能驱逐上帝,战胜魂灵,革除各种迷信。 cnki

Religion is a diffuse topic liable to unending disputation whereas theism is not.
宗教是一个容易引起无休止争论的弥散型话题,而有神论则不是。 blog.sina.com.cn

Since human being entered the class society, the influence of theism and atheism has all along existed in the ideological field.
人类自进入阶级社会以来,在意识形态中始终存在着有神论、无神论的影响。 cnki

The difference between theism and atheism should not lead to antagonism between theists and atheists.
不能因为有神论和无神论的差异而导致信神者与不信神者的对立。 jukuu

These unique methods became powerful weapons for Wang Chong to animadvert on theism.
王充这些独具特色的方法,成为他批判有神论的有力武器。 cnki

This is simply a confusion of words and concepts: the rationality of theism does not stand on the scripture of any religion.
这完全是词语和概念的一种混淆:有神论的理性和任何宗教的经文并不一致。 blog.sina.com.cn

Thus one often reads that religion has made a claim in contradiction to scientific truth, theism is irrational.
因此,人们经常看到这样的内容:宗教的主张和科学真理相抵触,有神论是非理性的。 blog.sina.com.cn

Today many respected scientists no longer embrace materialism, but now embrace theism, especially Christianity, as the only worldview that fits the current scientific data.
如今,许多著名的科学家不再拥有唯物论观念,而是相信有神论,特别是基督信仰,以此为有当代科学依据的世界观。 blog.sina.com.cn

Wang Chong believed that credulity, no- efficacy and sparseness of knowledge, is the epistemological basis of theism;
王充认为,知贫识浅、苟信闻见、论事不引效验是有神论产生的认识论根源; cnki

Theism generally comes packaged in a religion.
有神论一般都夹杂在宗教之中。 iciba




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