

单词 the IRA
释义 the IRA短语¹⁷²⁷⁷
John Major and John Bruton said they would resume talks with Sinn Fein if the IRA reinstated its cease-fire.
约翰·梅杰和约翰·布鲁顿说,如果爱尔兰共和军重新声明停火,他们将恢复与新芬党的会谈。 yeeyan

The FARC perfected their manufacture after receiving training from former members of the IRA, according to General Freddy Padilla, the armed forces’ commander.
根据武装力量总司令弗雷迪•帕迪利亚将军表示, FARC在接受了前爱尔兰共和军成员的培训后已经对其地雷制造工艺进行了改良。 ecocn

All hell was breaking loose in July1972, when the IRA bombed the quiet Londonderry village of Claudy.
1972年7月,随着爱尔兰共和军的炸弹在伦敦德里的克劳迪村爆炸,一切阴谋被揭穿。 yeeyan

As the conflict escalated, British troops were sent to keep the peace and protect the catholic minority, But the IRA soon changed the perception of the British army from saviours to oppressors.
当冲突加深时,英国派出军队以维持和平,并保护少数天主教徒,但爱军很快把英国军队视为镇压者,而不再是救星。 shnosbbs

At the same tine, the coronary angiography of the test group was taken as a control factor to indirectly predict the IRA through Localization of AMI in ECG.
以实验组冠状动脉造影作对照,探讨以心电图定位的心梗间接推断梗塞相关动脉的可靠性。 d.wanfangdata.com.cn

Based on this analysis, the NSC determined that we should grant the visa, because it would boost Adams’s leverage within Sinn Fein and the IRA, while increasing American influence with him.
根据这样的分析,国家安全委员会决定,我们应该准许发放给亚当斯的签证,因为这会增强亚当斯在新芬党和爱尔兰共和军内部的地位,并可以加强美国对他的影响力。 yeeyan

I told him that I didn't think the IRA would receive mention in the piece.
我告诉他我想爱尔兰共和军是不会收到有关那些事情剪报的。 yeeyan

Intelligence experts say the trends are favourable but point to the IRA maxim that“ you only need to get lucky once”.
情报专家表示发展趋势是有利的,但是也提到了爱尔兰共和军的名言“你只需要幸运一次”。 yeeyan

That was important, because unless the IRA renounced violence and Sinn Fein became a part of the peace process, the Irish problem could not be resolved.
这一点很重要,因为,除非爱尔兰共和军宣布放弃暴力,新芬党也参与到和平进程中,否则爱尔兰问题不可能得到解决。 yeeyan

Today, thanks to the peace process, both the army and the IRA have quit the streets of Derry and the rest of Northern Ireland.
今天,由于和平的发展,无论是军队还是爱尔兰共和军都已撤出了德里的街道及北爱尔兰的其他地区。 ecocn

The IRA re- emerged as the Provisional IRA, self-proclaimed successors to the freedom fighters of1916.
爱尔兰共和军以临时爱尔兰共和军的姿态出现,并自称为1916年自由争取者的继承人。 shnosbbs

The IRA would keep it up for more than a year, at great cost to themselves.
爱尔兰共和军的行动将持续了一年多,对他们自己来说代价惨痛。 yeeyan

The same techniques he used to analyse the IRA's associations he is now applying to Obama.
他用于分析爱尔兰共和军组织的技术现在用在奥巴马身上。 yeeyan

The announcement sent a signal to David Trimble and the Unionists that for Sinn Fein and the IRA, violence, as Adams had said, is a thing of the past, over, done with, and gone.
这一消息给了戴维·特林布尔和北爱统一党成员这样一个信号——正如亚当斯所说,对新芬党和爱尔兰共和军而言,暴力是“过去的事,结束了,完结了,逝去了”。 yeeyan




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