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词汇 the intelligentsia
释义 the intelligentsia ðiinˌtɛləˈdʒɛntsiə 短语⁵⁷⁴⁰⁹
集合词知识分子; 知识界
Andrei Zorin, a historian at Oxford, argues that the intelligentsia was largely the product of nuclear research.
牛津大学的历史学家安德烈•佐林认为,苏联知识界基本上是核研究的产物。 ecocn

His main charge was that the intelligentsia had failed in its most vital task—to speak on behalf of the people suppressed by an authoritarian state.
索尔仁尼琴对于俄国知识界最主要的批评是认为他们背离了知识分子的职责——为集权国家的受压迫民众执言。 ecocn

In“Vekhi”, an important self-reflecting book written in1909, Sergei Bulgakov describes the sorry state of the intelligentsia, its conceit towards its own people, its lack of discipline and decency.
在1909年的《路标》这一重要的自省之作中,布尔加科夫描述了俄罗斯知识界的可悲现状,描写了他们对祖国人民的倨傲,以及他们的涣散与低俗。 ecocn

Some intellectuals dedicated themselves to human rights. But, as a class, the intelligentsia did not create lasting democratic institutions or solidify the freedoms granted in 1991.
少数知识分子也为维护人权奋斗终身,但作为一个整体来说,苏联知识分子并未形成一股民主力量,对于巩固1991年获取的公民自由没有发挥作用。 ecocn

The intelligentsia responded in kind: it paid tribute to his courage, read his works in samizdat but was spooked by his anti- Western attitude and refused to recognise him as one of their number.
俄国知识界也不示弱:他们虽对索翁的勇气表示尊敬,也拜读了在地下流传的他的作品,但却因其反西方的态度深感不安,并拒绝承认他为俄罗斯知识界一员。 ecocn




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