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词汇 thein
释义 thein 英'θiːɪ₍:₎n美'θiːɪ₍:₎n COCA¹⁵⁰⁶⁴⁰BNC⁷⁰⁴¹⁸
The Union Solidarity and Development Party USDP led by Burmese Prime Minister Thein Sein opened all its offices nationwide, including the party headquarters in Napyidaw, on Friday morning.
星期五早上,缅甸总理登盛领导的联邦团结与发展党 USDP在全国的党部开张了,这包括了在内比都缅甸新首都的该党总部。 yeeyan

After almost half a century of iron- fisted military rule, the junta in March handed power to a new government led by Thein Sein, the current president.
在军方几乎半个世纪的铁腕统治之后,三月缅甸军政府将权力移交给了现任总统登盛领导的新政府。 yeeyan

Afterwards, Thein Sein expressed his appreciation that Washington had decided to re- engage with Burma.
此后,登盛对华盛顿决定与缅甸重新接触表示欣赏。 yeeyan

Burma's democratic forces should keep their eyes on Thein Sein's government and its political maneuvers toward Suu Kyi, ethnic nationalities, the army and its own citizens.
缅甸的民主力量应该密切关注登盛政府,并关注它对素季、少数民族、军队以及自己的国民所采取的政治手段。 yeeyan

Despite these caveats, the West should applaud reform and recognise Thein Sein’s efforts.
尽管存在上述警示,西方还是应该赞同改革并承认登盛的努力。 ecocn

He made the demand during a summit in Singapore with Thein Sein and nine other leaders of the Association of South-east Asian Nations Asean.
奥巴马是在新加坡和登盛及其他九个东南亚国家联盟东盟领导人的峰会上提出这一要求的。 yeeyan

If Thein Sein’s talks with Suu Kyi are to amount to more than a cup of tea, there must be some outcomes.
如果登盛同素季的谈话不仅仅是喝一杯茶那么简单,那么就必须出现某些效果。 yeeyan

If Thein Sein's announcement marks a genuine shift in policy, including toward China, then the country really could be on the right path.
如果登盛的声明标志着国家政策包括对华政策的真正转向的话,那么该国确实是在正确的道路上前进。 yeeyan

Myanmar's new president, Thein Sein, a former army officer, is reportedly a modest man.
缅甸的新总统,前朝军官吴登盛,据报道称,是一个谦逊的人。 yeeyan

Now, Thein Sein has gone much further, saying construction of a controversial hydroelectric dam has been suspended because it's not wanted by the people.
现在登盛走的更远了,他说争议中的水电大坝被停建是因为人民不想要这样的工程。 yeeyan

Of all her recent activities, most laden with symbolism was a meeting last month with Thein Sein, the new“ civilian” president of a regime dominated by men who, like him, are former soldiers.
其近期政治活动中最具标志性意义的便是上个月与新文官政府领导人,曾是统治缅甸的前军政府一员的吴登盛的会面。 ecocn

Parliament has voted in yet another general, Thein Sein, as the new president.
此外,议会又投票选举出了盛登大将为新的总统。 yeeyan

President Thein Sein said in his speech that any armed group that wants peace is welcome to initiate peace talks with the State government anytime.
登盛总理在讲话中说,欢迎任何希望获得和平的武装组织,在任何时候同邦省政府进行和平谈判。 yeeyan

Sai Thein Win also said in a report that Burma is trying to build medium-range missiles such as SCUDs under a memorandum of understanding with North Korea.
赛登温在一份报告中还说到,缅甸正试图凭借同朝鲜签署的谅解备 忘录打造中程导弹,诸如飞毛腿导弹。

Sai Thein Win handed over his evidence to the Democratic Voice of BurmaDVB, an émigré- run broadcaster based in Norway.
西温登将他的证据交给了缅甸民主之声由缅甸流亡人士建立、总部设在挪威的广播电台。 ecocn

Sai Thein Win offers no new insight into the North Korean link. But Western intelligence agencies watch North Korea’s activities in Myanmar.
对于朝鲜方面,西温登没有给出新的分析,但西方国家的谍报机构观察到朝鲜在缅甸的行动。 ecocn

She was expected to tell Clinton she thinks President Thein Sein is sincere in wanting change, that he truly believes it is the best way forward for the country.
政府希望她告诉希拉里,她认为吴总统真心愿意改变,并且他真的相信这样才是这个国家前进的最好方式。 yeeyan

The greatest surprise was the president’s rationale for halting the project: Thein Sein acted, he said, “according to the desire of the people”.
最令人惊讶的是总统停止该工程的理由竟然是:该工程是由登盛批准的。总统声称此举是因应群众的呼声。 ecocn

The greatest surprise was the president's rationale for halting the project: Thein Sein acted, he said, “ according to the desire of the people”.
最令人感到惊讶的是总统决定中止此项工程的理由,总统吴登盛说他是“依照人民的意愿”这么做的。 ecocn

Thein Sein was not given much respect at home, either.
吴登盛在国内也得不到多少尊重。 yeeyan

Thein Sein attended the opening ceremony in Naypidaw, together with other government ministers, who are now the executive members of the USDP.
登盛和其他政府部长参加了在内比都举行的开张仪式。这些部长现在都是 USDP的执行委员会成员。 yeeyan

Thein Sein can also look at history and consider the dictators that are remembered, and why.
登盛也可以回顾一下历史,思考一下那些记录在册的独裁者,并想想为什么。 yeeyan

Thein Sein said that to ease the problems, the government has removed export taxes on some items including rice, beans, corn, sesame, rubber, fish and other animal products.
登盛说,为了缓解这些问题,政府取消了一些商品的出口关税,包括大米、大豆、玉米、芝麻、橡胶、鱼类以及其他一些动物产品。 yeeyan




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