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词汇 Theia
释义 Theia 'θi:jә;'θaiә

Greek mythology the Titaness who was mother of Helios and Selene and Eos in ancient mythology近义词 Thea西娅(f
The sun god, son of Hyperion andTheia, depicted as driving his chariot across the sky from east to west daily.赫利俄斯:太阳神,许珀里翁和忒伊亚两位都是泰坦神的儿子,相传每日驾四马战车自东向西驰过天空。
A massive collision between the early earth and another planet,Theia, scattered so much debris that it created our moon.早期的地球,与另外一颗行星忒伊亚,轰然相撞;撞出的大量碎片,创造了我们的月亮。
The resulting impact blasted the outer layers ofTheiaand Earth into orbit, which eventually coalesced under their own gravity to form the moon.碰撞结果,忒伊亚和地球的外层物质被抛入环绕地球的轨道,并最终在自身引力下聚合为月球。”
A modification of the Giant Impact Theory is the “Theiahypothesis,” abrainchild of Princeton theorists Edward Belbruno and Richard Gott.大碰撞假说的一个修正版是“忒伊亚假说”,它由普林斯顿大学的EdwardBelbruno和RichardGott共同提出。
At the time of the giant impact,Theiaand Earth would have been large enough to be molten, enabling heavier elements, like iron, to sink to the center to form their cores.在大碰撞时产生的巨大热能使地球和忒伊亚融化,这样像铁一类的重金属就能沉入月球的核心区。




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