

单词 be devoured by
释义 be devoured by短语¹⁰⁶¹⁰⁰⁺
The reader wants to be devoured by him; she wants to be eaten, even if she is being very expensively educated and playing the viola reluctantly.
读者心甘情愿被他吞噬;她渴望被吃掉,哪怕她正接受着非常昂贵的教育和不情愿地拉着中提琴。 yeeyan

They were both sentenced to die—the daughter to be devoured by wild beasts, and the mother to be burnt alive.
他们都被判以了死刑--女儿被野兽吞吃掉,这个妈妈被活活烧死。 yeeyan

When the whole society seems to be devoured by detachment, Amy's help for Sethe and the Bodwins'kindness toward the black people in the neighborhood certainly fill the readers'heart with hope.
当整个社会看似被疏离所充斥的时候,爱弥对塞丝的帮助和鲍德温一家对社区中黑人的善举无疑让读者心中充满希望。 fabiao

While looking for the light, you may suddenly be devoured by the darkness and find the true light.
在寻找光时,你或许会突然被黑暗吞噬而找到真正的光。 douban




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