

单词 the horn
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It has, for instance, given more to alleviate hunger in the Horn of Africa this year than France or Germany.
比如今年,为缓解“非洲之角”索马里的饥饿状况,挪威的捐助比法国和德国都多。 ecocn

What places polio eradication most in jeopardy now is the funding gap, which we must deal with equally rapidly to ensure that children in the Horn of Africa and other high-risk areas are protected.
现在对根除脊髓灰质炎造成最大危险的是供资方面的空白,我们必须同样迅速地予以处理,以便确保非洲之角及其它高危地区的儿童得到保护。 who

From Japan to Sudan, from Pakistan to the Horn of Africa, aid workers help people who have lost their homes, loved ones and sources of income.
从日本到苏丹,从巴基斯坦到非洲之角,处处都有救援人员为失去家园、亲人和收入来源的人们提供帮助。 hjenglish

In this region, drought, crop failure, livestock deaths, and human starvation ravage the Horn of Africa in the worst food security crisis experienced in decades.
这个区域正经历几十年来最严重的粮食安全危机,干旱、作物歉收、牲畜死亡以及人类饥荒在肆虐非洲之角。 who

Save the Children, at least, has responded: it has been handing out cash in addition to food in the Horn of Africa and South Asia, and it says UN agencies should do the same.
无论如何,“救助儿童会”已经作出了反应:该组织一直在非洲之角和南亚地区除了派发食品外,也发送现金;他们还表示联合国机构也应该这样做。 ecocn

Television audiences around the world have complained about the din from the horn, which critics liken to a herd of trampling elephants or swarms of bees.
来自世界各地的电视观众都在抱怨非洲喇叭的吵闹,他们指责其声音就像一群狂躁的大象或是成群的蜜蜂。 yeeyan

Yet the online catalogues of encyclopedic museums are already visited by people from the Arctic Circle to the Horn of Africa.
然而,百科全书式博物馆的馆藏在线展示已经被远及北极圈到非洲之角的人们浏览过了。 ecocn

The Horn of Africa is facing its worst drought in over50 years; child malnutrition rates are more than double or triple the15% emergency threshold and are expected to rise.
非洲之角目前正面临着50多年来最严重的干旱。儿童营养不良的比例已是15%这一紧急情况阈值的两倍或三倍,并估计还会攀升。 who




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