

单词 the holy grail
释义 the holy grail
The holy grail is to create a passive portfolio that achieves the same cost savings as traditional trackers while improving on the performance of a value-weighted index.
理想的目标是创造一种被动的投资组合,既可如传统的追踪者那样节约成本,同时又能提高价值加权指数的业绩。 ecocn

The holy grail of programming is to provide more power and flexibility with fewer lines of code, without sacrificing readability or performance.
编程的至高境界就是在不牺牲可读性或性能的前提下,用更少的代码提供更强大更灵活的功能。 ibm

Field trials in stores have shown that aroma can achieve the holy grail of marketing.
在商店中的现场试验已经显示出芳香可以达到重大的市场目标。 ecocn

In global public health, disease- fighting tools that are cheap, available and sustainable are the Holy Grail.
在全球公众健康领域,与疾病斗争的工具要经济实惠、易于取得且可持续发展才是硬道理。 yeeyan




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