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词汇 The Heart Sutra
释义 The Heart Sutra
I share the Heart Sutra with you. I had shared his calligraphy of the Heart Sastra with you in the past, so I am not sending it this time.我和大家分享此心经。我以前曾和大家分享他所写的心要,所以这回我不传那份。
The whole training session ended after and we left with a small gift: a copy of the heart sutra and a Jing Si Aphorism.至此,新进志工培训结束。离开时,大家有一份小礼物:一幅心经和一张静思小语。
Heart Sutra:A new translation of the Heart Sutra from Chinese by Dr. Yutang Lin.大悲波罗蜜多心经:经文原文;唐三藏法师玄奘译。
The Heart Sutradescribes the practice of Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara, “Kuan-Tzu-Chai,” the Sovereign Regarder.What does “Tzu-Chai” mean?93修行一切法门都是讲这个心,我们行持也是在“行”这个心。
Moved by the volunteers, Xiaojuan told them that she transcribes the heart sutra whenever she is free. The calluses on her fingers are the result of her hard work.志工的爱感动小娟,小娟告诉志工说,只要一有空就会抄写心经,手指头上厚厚的茧是她努力的证明。




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