

单词 the handicapped
释义 the handicapped ðəˈhændi:ˌkæpt 短语³⁰⁷¹²
He donated a painting to China Welfare Fund for the Handicapped.
为中国残疾人福利基金会捐赠作品一幅。 zunke

China is gradually expanding the building of obstacle-free facilities so that the handicapped can participate in social life more easily.
目前,方便残疾人参与社会生活的无障碍设施正在中国各地逐步建立和增多。 hotdic

Customs duties have been reduced or exempted for special goods and equipment imported for the use of the handicapped.
残疾人专用的必须进口的物品和设备,减免进口关税。 iciba

He instructed a subcontracting firm to take on20 graduates of a physical and psychological training programme for the handicapped, and then tripled the programme’s size upon seeing the results.
他指导某外包公司雇佣了20名身心失能者,他们均毕业于一个为身心失能者提供身体与心理培训的项目,在取得成果后这一项目的规模扩大为三倍。 ecocn

How to classify the handicapped?
如何给残疾人分类? china-nurse

The article applies labor market supply-demand analysis as main studying method, analyzing the employment security of the handicapped in China through two aspects of supply and demand.
本论文以劳动力市场供求分析为主线,从供求两方面对我国残疾人就业保障问题进行分析。 cnki




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