

单词 bed down
释义 bed down beddaun ★★★★☆高研短语³²⁴⁷¹
vt. 睡下给…铺草

go to bed;

We bedded down at midnight

bed down 睡下给 … …turn down a bed把床罩掀开一部分…bed of down称心如意的境遇(安乐…
近义词 bed床couch长椅bunk down找到睡觉的地方…
as in.(settle
同义词 land,put,sitalight,decline,descend,flop,immerse,lay,light,lodge,perch,place,plop,plunge,repose,roost,seat,sink,submerge,submerse,subsideset down,settle down,touch down
反义词 ascend,dislodge,displace,go up,remove,riseas in.sleep
同义词 doze,fall asleep,languish,relax,snoozebunk,catnap,crash,dream,drowse,flop,hibernate,nap,nod,oversleep,repose,rest,retire,slumber,snore,yawncatch a wink,catch forty winks,conk out,cop some z's,drop off,fall out,hit the hay,hit the sack,nod off,sack out,saw wood,take a nap,turn in,zonk out,zzz
反义词 grow,be active,energizewake,waken
settleverb come to rest;fall
alight,decline,descend,flop,immerse,land,lay,light,lodge,perch,place,plop,plunge,put,repose,roost,seat,set down,settle down,sink,sit,submerge,submerse,subside,touch down
sleepverb suspend consciousness
bed down,bunk,catch a wink,catch forty winks,catnap,conk out,cop some z's,crash,doze,dream,drop off,drowse,fall asleep,fall out,flop,hibernate,hit the hay,hit the sack,languish,nap,nod,nod off,oversleep,relax,repose,rest,retire,sack out,saw wood,slumber,snooze,snore,take a nap,turn in,yawn,zonk out,zzz
sleptverb suspend consciousness
bed down,bunked,catnapped,caught a wink,caught forty winks,conk out,copped some zwas,crashed,dozed,dreamed,dropped off,drowsed,fell asleep,fell out,flopped,hibernated,hit the hay,hit the sack,languished,napped,nodded,nodded off,overslept,relaxed,reposed,rested,retired,sacked out,saw wood,slumbered,snoozed,snored,took a nap,turned in,yawned,zonked out,zzzed The interim arrangement was aimed at allowing China time to bed down its new certification rules on imports of transgenic crops without disrupting overseas shipments.
过渡性安排是为了让中国有时间出台新的转基因作物进口认证条例,同时不中断从国外的进口。 asaimchina

After a decade of army rule, it was inevitable that the new civilian government would take time to bed down, even if the times were less troublesome.
即便是在事态较好时期,在10年军方统治后,新的民选政府不可避免地需要时间才能稳定。 ecocn

Can I bed down here with you?
我能在你这睡吗? ebigear

I'll bed down on the chairs.
晚上我就睡在椅子上。 httpcn

I'll bed down on the sofa.

I'll bed down on the sofa.
我就睡在沙发上。 www3.060s.com

I'll bed down on these chairs.
我要在这些椅子上好好睡一觉。 hotdic

I'd recommend this if you simply need a place to bed down and don't mind putting up with somewhere a bit rough around the edges.
如果你仅仅是需要一个地方睡觉我推荐这家宾馆,不要介意忍受某些粗糙的边缘。 taskcn

My team of assistants and I track the elusive apes from dawn to dusk, when they bed down in a nest in the trees.
我和我的助手团从早到晚跟踪这群难以捉摸的猿,直到它们在树上做窝休息。 cnnas

Pandas bed down in the dense forest.
熊猫在密林中做窝。 hotdic

Where should we bed down for the night?
晚上我们睡在哪儿啊? xmhaiyun

You can bed down on the settee.




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