

单词 Beddgelert
释义 BeddgelertBNC⁷⁹⁰⁷⁶⁺¹¹
n.贝德盖勒特在英国;西经 4º06' 北纬 53º01'
Filled with remorse, he carried Beddgelert to the oak tree in the garden and buried him.
他无限痛悔地把贝德格勒特抱到花园里,掩埋在橡树底下。 edu.sina.com.cn

However, despite the tragic circumstances of his birth, the beautiful baby boy brought great happiness to the lives of Beddgelert and his master.
孩子是个漂亮的小男婴,尽管出生时发生了悲剧,他还是给贝德格勒特及其主人的生活带来了许多的快乐。 edu.sina.com.cn

The remains of Beddgelert lie there to this very day.
贝德格勒特至今留在那里。 edu.sina.com.cn

After a long and bitter fight the wolf retreated, wearily limping away and licking his wounds while Beddgelert lay exhausted upon the child’s cot.
经过一场长时间的残酷搏斗,狼终于退却了,它舔着伤口,瘸着腿,无力地走了。贝德格勒特精疲力尽地趴到孩子的摇篮上。 edu.sina.com.cn

All too late, he realized that the blood he saw was that of the wolf and his devoted dog, Beddgelert.
他意识到自己刚才所看到的是那只狼和他忠诚的狗贝德格勒特的血迹,但为时已晚。 edu.sina.com.cn

Each day the child played happily in his cot while Beddgelert guarded the door of the cottage, carefully watching for the wolf.
每天,当孩子在自己的摇篮里开心地玩耍时,贝德格勒特便守护着农舍的门,小心提防着那匹狼。 edu.sina.com.cn

The wolf was determined to get to the child while Beddgelert was determined to prevent it from doing so.
狼一心想要抓住孩子,而贝德格勒特一心要阻止它达到目的。 edu.sina.com.cn

Beddgelert was a fierce and aggressive hunter with powerful limbs and strong teeth sharp enough to tear away the flesh of any creature.
贝德格勒特凶猛而富于攻击性,有着强有力的四肢和结实而锋利、足以撕开任何一种动物皮肉的利齿。 edu.sina.com.cn

Beddgelert, however, was barely alive. Nonetheless, he found the strength to wag his tail and to raise his head from the bed to greet his master.
而贝德格勒特却已经奄奄一息,但他还是使劲摇了摇尾巴,抬起头来迎接自己的主人。 edu.sina.com.cn




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