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词汇 beddest
释义 beddest bɛd病榻a bed of thorns口语、比喻极其艰难的境况,环境恶劣;处于忧闷恐怖的环境;如坐针毡As you make your bed,so you must lie on it.谚语自作自受。或:自食其果。be brought to bedof古语临产,临盆,分娩,生,生产tobe confined to one's bed卧床不起,病倒在床上bed it卧病在床bed of dust坟墓bed of justice法国国会的国王的宝座;国王亲临的国会bed of state龙床,御座大人物的灵床以便吊祭瞻仰遗容亦作 state bedbed of ware能睡12人的大床 die inone'sbed 老死,寿终正寝见 die¹Early to bed and early to rise,makes a man healthy,wealthy and wise.谚语睡得早,起得早,富裕、聪明、身体好。get into bed with= jump into bed withget out of bed on the wrong side口语从早晨起床起整日心情不好,醒来就闹脾气亦作 get up on the wrong side of the bedgo to bed上床,就寝口语同…发生性关系with报刊等付印;撰稿后委托给出版社俚语不要吵,住嘴go to bed in one's boots俚语泥醉上床,酩酊大醉go to bed with one's boots on俚语通常用于否定句男子性交时故意不用避孕工具go to bed with the chickens晚上早睡觉go to bed with the lamb,and rise with the lark早睡早起in bed在被窝里,躺在床上在交媾jump into bed with尤把和不太可能结盟的人结成暂时性的同盟,不加疑问地接受别人的主张或加盟于别人的团体keeptoone's bed 或keep the bed卧病在床leave one's bed病愈起床lie或sleepin或 onthe bed one has made自作自受,自食其果lie on a bed of thorns坐立不安,如坐针毡make fit the Procrustean bed见 Procrusteanmake one'sownbed and lie on或init自作自受,自食其果make the或abed睡前或起床后整理床铺,铺床叠被place on the Procrustean bed见 Procrustean bedput to bed安顿孩子、病人等上床去睡;把牲口安顿好让其睡觉美国英语【印刷】把铅字、印版等组版装在印刷机上【印刷】把报刊等付印;撰稿后委托给出版社,使编辑好出版;工作到最后一分钟坐褥临产put to bed with a shovel或 mattock把…葬入坟墓,埋葬,下葬美国俚语把喝醉者扶上床sleep in或onthe bed one has made=lie in或 onthe bed one has madestretch on the Procrustean bed见 Procrustean bedtake to one's bed病倒在床上,因病卧床,开始卧病上床睡觉turn down a bed把床罩翻开一部分便于就寝You have made your bed and you must lie on it.谚语事情是你犯下的,后果必须由你承担。或:自作自受。或:自食其果。变形:vt.bedded.bed.dingB.Ed.abbr.教育学士Bachelor of Education




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