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词汇 bedbugs
释义 bedbugs ˈbedbʌɡz COCA⁵⁸³⁴²BNC⁸⁶⁶⁶⁰⁺
n.臭虫;木虱;床虱bedbug的名词复数原型bedbug的三单 Have you ever gotten bedbugs yourself, because of all of your exposure to them?
您可曾因为与臭虫频繁的接触而受其害? yeeyan

Human beings have evolved to jump away from spiders, cockroaches, rats, bedbugs, earwigs, lice, fleas and centipedes.
从类已经进化成见到蜘蛛、蟑螂、老鼠、臭虫、蠼螋、虱子、跳蚤、和蜈蚣等害虫就吓得立刻跳开的地步。 kekenet

The workplace is the fastest- growing market of bedbugs.
工作场所是臭虫迅速增长的温床。 yeeyan

What can people do to prevent bedbugs before they appear?
人们应如何预防臭虫之害? yeeyan

When I came back to the dormitory, I sprinkled it to the bed board. After class, I returned to the dormitory and found all the bedbugs lying on the bed board, couldn't move.

A century ago, bedbugs were ubiquitous in New York— so much so that their presence in an apartment wasn’t considered sufficient legal cause for withholding rent.
一个世纪之前,臭虫在纽约随处可见——数目如此之多,以至于人们不把“在寓所里发现臭虫”视为可以少交房租的合法理由。 yeeyan

Added Leopold, “ When the bedbugs have been eradicated, we will still be here, still forcing people to strongly consider breaking their lease to move to another apartment.”
利奥波德接着说:“当完全消灭臭虫之后,我们还会统治这里,依然会迫使租客坚决考虑终止租约,搬到别的地方去住。” yeeyan

Although their bites can cause unrelieved itchiness, bedbugs take only blood and leave no pathogens behind.
尽管臭虫的叮咬会让人奇痒无比,但他们只吸吮血液,并不留病原体。 yeeyan

I mean we do so many offices, four to five hundred companies, which are struggling with bedbugs every day.
我是指,我们做过的这许多办公室,四百到五百家公司,每天都与臭虫作斗争。 yeeyan

I think I really do have bedbugs.
我想我身上真的有臭虫。 yeeyan

Mittapalli suspected modern bedbugs had genes that encouraged their bodies to produce more of the enzymes that break down pesticides.
昆虫学家米塔帕里认为这是因为现在的臭虫具有了促使体内产生更多降解杀虫剂的酶基因。 yeeyan

Mr. White says bedbugs nearly disappeared from the United States for fifty or sixty years.
怀特先生表示,在过去的五六十年,美国臭虫几近绝迹。 unsv

No one ever suspects bedbugs.

Objective To investigate infestation condition of bedbugs and take effective measure for controlling in the army unit.
目的调查某部营区臭虫危害现况,采取有效措施进行防治。 chemyq

Other bloodsuckers like bedbugs produce heat shock proteins too— as do we, during a fever.
其他吸血动物如臭虫也能产生热休克蛋白质---我们发烧时也一样。 yeeyan

Otherwise, if you do have bedbugs, they're going to crawl back out of the vacuum.
否则,臭虫会从真空袋外面爬回来。 yeeyan

People would come in — thousands of people over the years — and I would identify insects or identify their bites and determine it was bedbugs.
人们来了——每年都来数以千计的人——我识别昆虫,检查他们的叮咬伤痕,鉴定出是臭虫。 yeeyan

Perhaps the one good thing about bedbugs is that they provide a rare point of agreement that transcends race, religion, culture, nationality, tax bracket and party.
也许臭虫还有一个好处,他们让人们超越种族、宗教、文化、国籍、税率和党派而产生了一种难得的共识。 yeeyan

Results The methods of spraying Fendona and using other measures to control bedbugs showed good and continuing efficacy.
结果奋斗呐药物喷洒和其它综合措施防治臭虫,速效与持效明显。 chemyq

The finding comes after earlier research found genetic changes in bedbugs that help protect nerve cells from specific pesticides.
这是继早期的一项研究——臭虫的遗传变化有助于神经细胞免受特异杀虫剂的伤之后的又一发现。 yeeyan

We were often vexed by bedbugs.
我们常常受臭虫骚扰。 bab

We are now seeing bedbugs in what we would consider to be atypical locations: schools and hospitals, retail locations, movie theaters.
现在我们在一些我们所认为的非典型场所发现臭虫:如学校,医院,零售店,电影院。 ebigear

Bedbugs win neither praise for their sophisticated technique, nor very much respect for the fact that they don't carry diseases, as most bloodsucking human ectoparasites do.
如大多数体外吸血寄生虫一样,臭虫并不会因为他们高超的技术而受到称赞,也不会因为不传播疾病的事实而受到尊重。 yeeyan

Bedbugs go through five stages before they become adults, and in the first three or four stages you will not see them with the naked eye.
臭虫的成年要经历五个阶段,在首次的三到四阶段你的肉眼是看不见的。 yeeyan

Bedbugs only feed on blood.
臭虫仅以吸血为生。 yeeyan




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