

单词 the elephant in the room
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Sometimes Jeremy is the elephant in the room no one wants to talk about, afraid to upset someone.
有时候“杰里米”就像是一个难言之隐,无人愿意提及,他们害怕让别人难受。 yeeyan

The elephant in the room in all discussions about EU enlargement is Turkey, which was one of the earliest applicants to the European club and was accepted as eligible back in1963.
历次欧盟扩大会谈中都有一个避而不谈的问题——土耳其。土耳其是最早申请入盟的国家之一,欧共体欧盟前身早于1963年就视其作为合格的发展对象。 blogbus

But the need to spend less money on the elderly at the end of life is the elephant in the room in the health- reform debate.
但是,需要削减花在生命垂危的老人身上的开支是医改辩论中显而易见,却被忽视的事实。 yeeyan




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