

单词 the EC
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While the EC will find that it might be able to address some of its specific concerns through bilateral agreements, I believe that it will not be able to answer all of them.
欧盟委员会将发现,它可能能够通过双边协议解决一些它所关注的问题;但我相信,欧盟委员会无法通过双边协议解决所有它所关注的问题。 ecocn

A total of47 political parties registered for the election; to date, the EC has approved42 parties.
总共有47个政党登记参选,到目前为止,42个政党获得批准。 yeeyan

From the perspective of the law of international organizations, the EC and the WTO have much in common, but they still have obvious differences in many aspects.
从国际组织法的角度来看,欧共体与 WTO虽然具有国际组织的共性,但是它们在诸多方面也存在着明显的区别。 cnki

Given France's weight in the EC, this meant that Kohl needed Mitterrand's approval to proceed.
考虑到法国在欧盟所占的分量,这就意味着科尔必须得到密特朗的支持才能开展后续工作。 yeeyan

On a more“ macro” level, I recently reached out to colleagues at the EC’s Joint Research Center JRC to leverage their automated sentiment“mood” analysis platform.
在更“宏观”的水平上,最近我接触了在欧盟委员会联合研究中心的各位同事充分利用他们自动情绪“ JRC”的分析平台。 yeeyan

That election also returned Apache to the EC with95 per cent share of the vote.
这次选举有95%的投票赞成 Apache重返执委会。 infoq

This week, a newly founded political party in Kachin State, the Kachin State Unity and Democracy Party, has registered with the EC in Naypyidaw.
这个星期,联邦选举委员会批准克钦邦一个新成立的政党‘克钦邦团结民主党’登记参选。 blog.sina.com.cn

Under two new draft regulations, a combination of the EC and other governments could force a country in financial distress to seek aid.
在两个新提案中,欧盟委员会和其他政府可以联合强制存在财政问题的国家寻求援助。 yeeyan

The EC had no objections for the two cases to be merged.
欧共体对两案合并不持异议。 blog.sina.com.cn

The EC said in its statement that the disparities between member countries are expected to widen next year.
欧盟委员会在声明中称成员国之间的差距将于明年拉大。 blog.sina.com.cn

The EC announced earlier this year that Croatia is well placed to conclude its accession negotiations by November2009, and it is widely anticipated that Croatia will officially join the EU in2011.
欧盟于今年年初宣布,克罗地亚很有可能在2009年11月之前结束加入欧盟的谈判;人们普遍认为,克罗地亚将在2011年正式加入欧盟。 worldbank

The EC investigation, which started in2001, accused Intel of three new pieces of “ abusive conduct” designed to wound rival AMD.
欧盟从2001年开始了一项调查,提出三项“滥用行为”,指控 Intel伤害竞争对手 AMD。 yeeyan

The EC only has nine people here and there is a limit to what we can do.
欧共体只有九个人在这里工作,我们所能做的很有限。 fao

The EC is said to have received about50 responses from various organizations in response to its call for industry comment. Those50 responses potentially represent thousands of companies.
欧洲委员会,据说已收到约50份来自不同组织在工业评论的响应。这50份回应可能代表了数以千计的公司。 bbs.instrument.com.cn




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