

单词 the Deluge
释义 the Deluge短语⁴⁴⁸⁰⁵
We got soaked in the deluge.

The deluge was so torrential that even the wet tyres could not provide sufficient grip.
暴雨大到雨胎都不足以保证赛车有足够的抓地力。 iciba

A son of Prometheus who with his wife, Pyrrha, built an ark and floated in it to survive the deluge sent by Zeus. The couple became the ancestors of the renewed human race.
普罗米修斯的一个儿子,他与妻子琶拉制造了诺亚方舟,并乘着它在宙斯引发的大洪水中逃生。 poptool

After the deluge, the recriminations began, along with the usual spurious guesstimates of the supposed multi-billion- pound losses to the economy.
在暴风雪之后,除了司空见惯的站不住脚的假定的数十亿英镑的经济损失瞎猜,各种指责开始了。 ecocn

FOR many commuters, the London Underground provides a welcome refuge from the deluge of e-mails, text messages, phone calls and the like that characterise life in the21st century.
对许多上班族来说,伦敦地铁为他们提供了一个可喜的“避难所”,使他们远离那些充斥在21世纪生活中的电子邮件,短信,电话及诸如此类。 ecocn

When the deluge valve installed on the offshore oil and gas production facility fire water system is suddenly closed, the deluge distribution piping will generate water hammer effect.
海上油气生产设施消防喷淋管线,在喷淋阀突然关闭时会产生水锤效应。 dictall




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