

单词 the consulate
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At the opening of the/span> consulate, President Calderon, said Mexico wants to assist and protect its citizens in the states of Louisiana and Mississippi that the consulate will serve.
在新领事馆的开幕式上,卡尔德龙总统说,墨西哥希望帮助和保护领事馆服务范围内的墨西哥公民。新领事馆服务范围包括路易斯安那州和密西西比州。 www.voanews.com.cn

It gives me great pleasure to attend the inauguration ceremony of the Consulate-General of China in Kolkata.
很高兴有机会来印出席中国驻加尔各答总领事馆开馆仪式。 www.fmprc.gov.cn

Please tell it to the consulate soon after you reported to the police.
在你向警察局报告之后,请立刻向领事馆备案。 ebigear

While tonight we are celebrating the30th anniversary of the reopening of the consulate in Shanghai in 1980, I want to point out that the US has had a consulate in Shanghai since1844.
虽然今晚我们在这里庆祝上海领馆于1980年重新开放30周年,但同时我也想指出,美国自1844年开始就在上海建立了领事馆。 putclub

The consulate general warned Chinese students and their parents to be careful in choosing Australian colleges.
总领事馆警告中国学生和家长谨慎选择澳大利亚大学。 juren

The consulate, and the consul's residence next door, were built in1873 and are some of the oldest buildings still standing on the Bund.
领事馆,及隔壁领事的寓所,修建于1873年,是仍旧矗立在外滩的最古老建筑之一。 yeeyan




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