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词汇 beck
释义 beck 英bek美bɛkAHDbĕk

a beckoning gesture1.小溪,词源同beach.
2.召唤,词源同beckon, sb's beck and call唯某人之命是从…beck点头at sb.'s beck and call唯命是从at someone's beck and call唯某人之命是从…dye beck染色桶dyeing beck染色桶Kaschin-Beck disease变形性骨关节炎,卡-…dyeing beck stick染色桶棒winch beck绞盘染槽at the beck and call of听候…的吩咐…
近义词 burn燃烧brook小河rivulet小河stream小河

用作名词My brother is always at my father'sbeckand call.我兄弟总是对我父亲唯命是从。
The king has always had servants at hisbeckand call.国王有奴仆们随时听他使唤。
I tell you, in the language of orangutan,beckis to scold it idiotic meaning.我告诉你,在猩猩的语言里,招手是骂它白痴的意思。as in.brook
同义词 branch,burn,creek,rill,river,rivulet,run,runnel,streamlet,watercourserindleas in.river
同义词 estuary,stream,tributarybranch,brook,course,creek,rill,rivulet,run,runnel,watercourseas
同义词 current,flood,flow,rush,spate,surge,tide,torrent,tributarybranch,brook,burn,course,creek,drift,freshet,race,rill,rivulet,run,runnel,spritz,watercourserindle
brooknoun stream of water
rivernoun waterway
riversnoun waterway
streamnoun small river
streamsnoun small river
becks,branches,brooks,burns,courses,creeks,currents,drifts,floods,flows,freshets,races,rills,rindles,rivulets,runnels,runs,rushes,spate,spritzes,surges,tides,torrents,tributaries,watercourses From the right, Glenn Beck of Fox News declared that illegal immigrants should be left out of the survey.
“右派”福克斯新闻频道的格伦•贝克公然说道,非法移民应从普查中剔除。 ecocn

Glenn Beck, a lachrymose Fox News pundit, turned Hayek’s “The Road to Serfdom” into an unlikely bestseller earlier this year.
福克斯新闻的煽情评论家格伦•贝克使哈耶克的《通往奴役之路》出人意料的成为今年早些时候的畅销书。 ecocn

Mr. Beck has given it a glimpse of redemption by proposing to pay unemployment benefits to older workers for a longer period, a partial rollback of Agenda2010.
对此,贝克先生希望通过延长年长工人失业补助发放时间的方式作为回击,即对《2010年议程》做部分修正。 ecocn

Mr. Beck's proposal—to extend the payment period from12 months to15 for jobless people over45 and to24 months for those over50— is popular.
贝克的建议很受欢迎,年龄在45-50岁的失业工人,失业救济的发放时间由12个月延长至15个月,50岁以上的工人则延长至24个月。 ecocn

The cover of“The Real America”, by Glenn Beck of Fox News, shows that unique patriot beside an old barn.
福克斯电视台新闻主播格伦·贝克的《真实的美国》的封面上能看到一个老谷仓和它旁边这位独一无二的爱国者。 ecocn

The libertarian streak of the Austrians still has its fans. Glenn Beck, a lachrymose Fox News pundit, turned Hayek’s “The Road to Serfdom” into an unlikely bestseller earlier this year.
但是,奥地利的自由意志论还是有一定市场的,在煽情的福克斯新闻评论家格伦贝克的帮助下,哈耶克的《通往奴役之路》意料之外地一举成为今天上半年的畅销书。 ecocn

“ All the remedies have remained untouched till now,” says Mr Beck, referring to his cops on the streets.
贝克先生谈到他在这条街道上的警察时说:“直到现在,所有的补救方法依旧没有改变现状。” ecocn

“ These indiscretions cause significant damage to the relationship,” said Ted Beck, chief executive of the National Endowment for Financial Education.

“ They're more worried about the war on Fox than the actual war in Afghanistan, ” Beck said.
“他们指白宫对这场战争的忧虑要更甚于阿富汗的真实战争,”贝克称。 yeeyan

“ This guy is, I believe, a racist, ” Beck said.
贝克说“我认为,这个人是一个种族主义者。” yeeyan

Glenn Beck is coming from his faith.
格伦贝克的观点是来自他的信仰。 yeeyan

In Rhineland- Palatinate, the CDU actually managed to increase its share of the vote slightly, although not by enough to topple Kurt Beck of the Social Democratic Party SPD.
在莱茵兰-普法尔茨州,基民盟的得票率实际上还稍微有所上涨,尽管仍不足于撼动社会民主党社民党的库特·贝克。 ecocn

In Rhineland-Palatinate the SPD’s Kurt Beck is likely to remain premier.
在莱茵兰-巴拉丁州,社民党的库特·贝克有可能连任。 ecocn

It's interesting that many of evolutionary design's major proponents, like Kent Beck and Ward Cunningham, are stunningly good designers.
有趣的是,很多进化型设计的倡导者,比如肯特·贝克和沃德·坎宁安,都是非常出色的设计师。 yeeyan

Journalists and committed Marxists, they coauthored the ten- volume Martin Beck series between1965 and1975 with the aim of criticising the country’s welfare state.
作为记者和马克思主义者,他们在1965年到1975年针对国家福利状况出现的危机,合著了十卷本的马丁·贝克探案集。 yeeyan

Mr Beck recently apologised to his viewers for saying that Mr Obama’s America is on the path to “ socialism” when it is really on the march to fascism.
最近,贝克先生向他的观众道歉,因为他说,在奥巴马总统领导下的美国走在社会主义道路上,而实际上是在发展法西斯主义。 ecocn

Nor are they all fans of Glenn Beck, an American pundit who preaches doom and urges his listeners to buy gold.
他们也不全是格伦贝克的粉丝,作为权威人士的格伦贝克大力宣扬厄运进而督促听众去购买黄金。 yeeyan

One critic praised Jeff Beck's playing for his “ fierce attack and fat tone” and his ability to use the electric guitar to create textures as well as notes.
一位评论家称赞杰夫•贝克演奏的“尖锐的击打声和厚重的旋律”,以及使用电子吉他创作体裁和曲调的才能。 kekenet

Protesters on the National Mall also put up a sign with the word“ dream”, pointing to Martin Luther King Jr., and the word“ nightmare”, pointing to Glenn Beck.
在国家大草坪举行抗议的人们还立了一块牌子,上面的“梦想”字眼指向马丁.路德.金,而“恶梦”的词则指向格伦.贝克。 tingvoa

Surely, the tea party idea has been “ hijacked” by Fox News, Beck and Palin?
当然,茶党理念被福克斯新闻所“绑架”,贝克还是佩林? yeeyan

Tens of thousands of tea- partiers gathered in Washington at an event organised by Glenn Beck, a conservative broadcaster.

That transition enticed Andrew Beck, a trained pathologist and an author on the C-Path paper, to seek out graduate training in bioinformatics.
安德鲁.贝克是一位受过训练的病理学家,也是 C颈论文的作者,这项转变促使他寻求生物工程学的研究型训练。 yeeyan

Yesterday, of course, on Fox News commentator Glenn Beck said that he believes President Obama is a racist.
昨天,当然是在福克斯新闻台,新闻评论员格伦·贝克说他认为奥巴马总统是个种族主义者。 hjenglish

Beck and his colleagues decided to take a different approach.
贝克和他的同事们决定采取一种新的方法。 yeeyan




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