

单词 the bush
释义 the bush短语⁹³⁰⁰
A bid by some in Iran's leadership to open a dialogue after America's invasion of Iraq in 2003 was rebuffed by the Bush administration, whose loudest voices were for“ regime change”.
美国于2003年入侵伊拉克之后,伊朗领导层的一些成员曾寻求与美国展开对话,被布什当局一口回绝,布什当局发出的叫嚣都是支持“政权更迭”。 ecocn

“ What we learnt from the Bush years was that reform was our own business,” he says now.
“我们从布什那几年里学到,改革是我们自己的事”,他现在说。 ecocn

Earlier this year the Bush administration signed a co-operation deal with India which, if approved by Congress, would legitimise its nuclear military programme.
今年早些时候,布什政府同印度签署了一个合作协议,倘使国会通过,其核子军事计划就合法化了。 ecocn

In return for exempting India from these restrictions, the Bush administration hopes India will be a bulwark against China.
作为获得突破限制条件的交换,布什政府希望印度可以成为对抗中国的防御堡垒。 ecocn

There was good reason why under the Bush administration Egypt was a favoured destination for“rendition” of terrorist suspects.
这也解释了为什么在布什政府时代,埃及是嫌疑恐怖分子出没的一个理想之地。 ecocn

The Bush administration says those missiles are meant to guard against attack from Iran and are no threat to Moscow, because they are no match for the Russian missile arsenal.
布什政府表示,部署这些导弹是为了防御伊朗的攻击,并不对莫斯科构成威胁,因为它们无法同俄罗斯的导弹库相匹敌。 ebigear




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