

单词 the bright lights
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FIFTEEN years after he migrated with his family to the bright lights of Delhi, Muhammad Naushad has little to show for it.
穆罕默德诺萨德一家十五年前搬到繁华的德里,可这并没有给他带来太多的改变。 ecocn

IT WAS Saturday evening and Yukio Hatoyama, wearing a burgundy jacket and a cocky grin, was dancing with his fun-loving wife under the bright lights of a charity fashion-show.
在周六晚上的慈善时装秀上,鸠山由纪夫身着勃艮第的西装,挂着趾高气扬的笑容,与他那风趣幽默的夫人共舞。 ecocn

Jamie leaves Los Angeles and her psychotic boyfriend for the bright lights of Las Vegas and her new female lover Brooke.
雅敏离开了洛杉矶以及她患精神病的男友,和她的新女情人布鲁克一奔向拉斯维加斯。 www.wangchao.net.cn

The allure of metropolitan living was too tempting for young Cliegg and he eventually escaped the drudgery of toiling on his parents' homestead for the bright lights of the Core World of Ator.
对年轻的克利格来说,大城市的生活太有诱惑力了。为了摆脱在父母家里辛勤劳作的单调生活,他最终逃至五光十色的阿托尔星球。 starwarsfans.cn




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