

单词 the authorities
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The constitution provides for freedom of speech and of the press, and the authorities generally respected these rights in practice.
“宪法”规定了言论自由和新闻自由,当局在实践中也基本上尊重了这些权利。 yeeyan

Not so for the authorities.
当局并不这样想。 yeeyan

One criticism is that the Austrians offered a “counsel of despair”, suggesting that the authorities do nothing while a crisis blows itself out.
一种批评观点认为奥地利学派的观点是“自暴自弃”的,建议当局无为而治,任凭危机自行消失。 ecocn

Report what happened to the authorities after the game.
在比赛结束之后,应该将情况向当局汇报。 yeeyan

They can argue that the authorities are trying to suppress the“ truth” because they have no other answer to it.
他们辩称当局正尽力压制真相,因为他们找不到其他答案来解释这些真相。 yeeyan




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