

单词 theaters
释义 theaters ˈθiətəz COCA⁸²³⁷
n.影剧院,剧院theater复数原型theater的复数 Cut to the chase by venturing out of familiar territory. Concert halls, theaters and museums are all good places for you to find love.
不如选择些熟悉的地点向对方展开“攻势”:音乐厅、电影院和博物馆绝对是求爱的理想地点。 putclub

The company expects to have 300 theaters operating in China by 2016.
公司预计到2016年在中国营业的将达到300个影院,,。 yeeyan

The Globe burned down in1613, during a performance of Henry VIII, and was rebuilt in1614, but Puritans closed it and all other theaters in1642, and it was demolished soon after.
环球剧场在1613年上演《亨利八世》时被烧成灰烬,在1614年又被重建,但是清教徒在1642年关闭了环球剧场和其他剧院,很快它就被拆毁了。 yeeyan

The Kangbashi district includes many large office towers, administrative centers, government buildings, museums, theaters, schools playing fields and exhibition centers.
康巴什区包含有许多大型写字楼,行政中心,政府大楼,博物馆,剧院,学校操场和展览中心。 yeeyan

After a day of sightseeing, take in a musical or play in one of the world renowned Broadway Theaters.
游览一天后,你可以在世界享有生命的百老汇歌剧院听音乐会或看戏剧。 yeeyan

Before chick flicks, theaters play previews for romantic dramas as well as romantic comedies, because they figure that's what young women will eventually want to see.
在《弗里克的小鸡》之前,影院会播放浪漫的歌剧和戏剧预告,因为他们发现这些是女性观众有可能想要看的。 yeeyan

But where does that leave us in this day and age of home theaters and ever growing DVD collections?
然而,在这个家庭影院时代, DVD收藏越来越丰富,我们扮演着什么样的角色呢? ibm

Despite that, most audiences might not have even noticed that it went through the theaters like a desert breeze.
除此之外,大多数的观众可能没有注意到它像一阵沙漠之风般席卷了影院。 hxen

Fires and accidents in bars, theaters and other public places are common in China.
发生在酒吧、剧场和其他公共场合的火灾在中国十分普通。 yeeyan

If you are big fan of unique hidden doors and cool home theaters, the Home Theater Ticket Booth Door from Creative Building Resources CBR combines the best of both worlds.
如果你是独特隐蔽门和时尚家庭影院的超级粉丝,那么,创造性建筑资源 CBR设计的家庭影院售票处的门将两者完美地结合在一起。 hxen

In response, kabuki theaters switched to boy actors for the female roles.
为此,歌舞伎剧院进行改革,由男孩演员扮演女性角色。 yeeyan

Many of George Gershwin's songs were first written for musical plays performed in theaters in New York City.
乔治.格什温的许多歌曲都是为在纽约市剧场演出的音乐喜剧而首次创作的。 yeeyan

Movies were an idea one week, before the cameras the next and in the theaters within a month.
当时电影创意用时一个星期,在摄影机前再花一个星期,一个月内就能进入影院。 yeeyan

On its Mopes were temples, monuments, and theaters.
山坡上有一些神庙、纪念碑和剧院。 hjenglish

Other public venues in the city such as bars, nightclubs, theaters and sports stadiums will remain closed indefinitely.
这座城市其他一些公共场合像酒吧、夜总会、剧院和运动场将仍然会长期关闭。 yeeyan

Piracy is more controlled than before; although pirated DVDs of first-run films are available, the products largely come out after films have had their first runs in theaters.
盗版也比过去控制得更加严格;尽管盗版 DVD在影片首轮放映时就有,但大部分还是在影院里第一轮放完后才出来。 iciba

President Bashar Assad's decree, which will go into effect in six months, bans smoking in restaurants, cafes, cinemas, theaters, schools, official functions and on public transport.
阿萨德总统的法令,将于六个月后生效,这条法令禁止在餐厅、咖啡厅、电影院、剧院、学校、公务场所和公共交通工具上吸烟。 iciba

Smaller indoor theaters also became a part of the Greek and Roman culture.
小型的室内剧院也成为希腊和罗马文化的一部分。 yeeyan

Some of his ideas were quite practical— such as his admonition to locate theaters on a “ healthy” site with adequate ventilation away from swamps and marshes.
他的一些想法是相当实用的,例如他劝告把剧院建在“健康”的有足够通风远离沼泽和湿地的地方。 yeeyan

This is similar to the approach taken by Hollywood studios, which allow DVD sales and rentals only after a film has left theaters.
这就有点像好莱坞的做法,一部影片 DVD的销售和租赁必须在剧院放映期结束后才可以开始。 yeeyan

Under the tight guidelines, China allows only about20 foreign films into its theaters each year.
在紧抓的方针下,中国只允许每年20部国外电影进入影院。 yeeyan




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