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Thay·er 英ˈθeɪə, θeə美ˈθeɚ, θɛrAHDthāʹər, thâr Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹ 基本例句 n.塞耶¹⁰⁰ Carl Thayer is a southeast Asia political analyst with the University of New South Wales in Australia. 卡尔·塞耶是澳大利亚新南威尔士大学的东南亚政治分析家。 voanews The trigger for the worsening disputes is largely economic, says Carlyle Thayer, a professor at Australian Defence Force Academy at the University of New South Wales. Carlyle Thayer是澳大利亚国防部在新南威尔士大学部队学院的教授,他认为触发冲突的背后还是经济原因。 yeeyan The United States has“ turned the multilateral tables on China, ” said Carlyle A. Thayer, a professor of international relations at the Australian Defense Force Academy. 澳大利亚国防军事学院的国际关系教授卡里勒·塞耶 Carlyle A. Thayer说,美国已经“把多边谈判的桌子转向了中国”。 yeeyan “ Companies are reducing workers and output in order to bring inventories into line with weak sales, ” said Greg Thayer, senior economist at Wachovia Securities in St Louis. 圣路易斯 Wachovia证券公司的资深经济学家格雷格·塞耶说:“公司正在裁员和减少产量,因为销售疲软,只能减少库存。” yeeyan “ It can bring home to Cambodia the impact this is going to have on its neighbors,” Thayer said. 这能够使柬埔寨意识到这次冲突对其邻国的影响。 www.voanews.com.cn “ The U.S. has been smart, ” said Carlyle A. Thayer, a professor at the Australian Defense Force Academy who studies security issues in Asia. “美国已经变聪明了,”在澳大利亚国防大学研究亚洲安全问题的教授卡莱尔·塞耶说。 yeeyan “We’re back in a cautiously optimistic position, ” Professor Thayer said. “我们回来了——小心翼翼,谨慎乐观。”塞耶教授说。 yeeyan Another option, with reportedly mixed results, Thayer said, is adding tiny amounts of acepromazine, a prescribed tranquilizer, to a pet's food or water. 塞耶说,据说有混合效果的另一个选择是添加微量的乙酰丙嗪一种处方镇静剂到宠物的食物或水中。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn But Carl Thayer, a professor of politics at the Australian Defense Force Academy, says the decision was likely a political rather than economic one. 但澳大利亚国防学院的政治学教授卡尔·泰尔认为,这一决定可能出于政治考量而不是经济因素。 voanews Carl Thayer, a Southeast Asia specialist with the Australian Defense Force Academy, is concerned by the lack of restraint by both sides. 澳大利亚国防军事学院东南亚问题专家卡尔.泰尔对于双方缺乏克制表示担心。 www.voanews.com.cn Carl Thayer, regional security analyst at the Australian National University, says ASEAN is likely to stand by its response and the agreement with the United Nations and Burma. 地区安全事务专家卡尔.塞耶说,东盟很有可能对东盟的反应以及联合国和缅甸的协议进行辩护。 voanews China“ seeks to control these resources because they are abundant and closer to home than oil from the Middle East,” Mr. Thayer said. 中国一直在寻求对这些资源的控制权,因为它们与中东相比,更靠近家门口、量更多。 Thayer说道。 yeeyan Countries in the region have responded with their own acquisitions, said Carlyle A. Thayer, a professor at the Australian Defense Force Academy. 澳大利亚国防军事学院的教授 Carlyle A. Thayer说,这一地区的国家已经用军购作出了回应。 yeeyan If mediation fails, Thayer says ASEAN can impose economic sanctions but it has never in the past taken coercive measures on one of its members. 泰尔说,如果调停失败,那么东盟能够对这些国家施加经济制裁,但是该组织过去从未在成员国身上施加强制性措施。 www.voanews.com.cn Philippine officials say China has provoked five to seven incidents with their country this year, said Carlyle A. Thayer, a professor at the Australian Defense Force Academy who studies the region. 菲律宾官方称,今年中方已与菲律宾方挑起了六七起事端,澳大利亚军事学院研究该领域的教授卡莱尔 A.赛耶这样说道。 yeeyan Starting with Hawaii, Manifest Destiny took to the water, in the form of missionaries, trade, expeditionary forces and notions of decisive sea power advocated by Alfred Thayer Mahan, a naval theorist. 以夏威夷为起点,天命论者通过向外派遣传教士、进行贸易的形式走向海洋,并且把海军理论家马汉的主张的海权决定论作为理念。 ecocn Thayer, was formed in 1932 to develop curriculum materials for the participating schools. 泰勒主持成立,它旨在为参与的学校开发课程材料。 blog.sina.com.cn Thayer says nearly all the South East Asia leaders supported Mr. Obama's position. Thayer说几乎所有东南亚国家领导人都支持奥巴马的主张。 unsv Thayer says resolving this crisis will be a test for the Indonesia, as chairman of ASEAN. 泰尔说,处理这次危机对于东盟轮值主席国印尼来说将是一次测试。 www.voanews.com.cn |